Metro Nashville Officer Shot, Hospitalized After Responding to Call Set Up to Lure and Kill Officers


Three Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) officers were ambushed after responding to a 911 call alleging that a woman had been shot. One officer, Brian Sherman, was shot multiple times in the upper left arm and transported to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. According to MNPD, the call was a setup executed by an individual that police identified as the gunman, 22-year-old Salman Mohamed. His immigration status is unknown.

In a press conference late Tuesday night, Metro Police Public Information Officer Don Aaron explained that Salman falsely told the 911 operator around 6 p.m. CST that his brother had shot his mother, and that shots were continuing to be fired. Aaron explained that Mohamed answered the door when the MNPD officers knocked on the door of the residence identified in the 911 call about ten minutes later. Only Sherman was hit in the ensuing gunfire.

“Three South Precinct officers went to the front door, knocked, the door was opened, and almost immediately shots were fired at the officers and the officers came under fire,” said Aaron. “The phone call to the communications center about an active shooter, that his mother had been shot, was a ruse, a setup, to get police to the scene. No one else in the home was injured. Inside the home at the time were his mother and three siblings. None of those persons was hurt.”

Aaron explained that officers attempted to negotiate with Mohamed after he came out of the residence with a rifle in hand. However, Mohamed shot himself in the head. Aaron said that MNPD was investigating Mohamed’s motive.

The MNPD spokesperson indicated that this incident was part of a larger trend of attacks on officers responding to calls.

“[O]ver the past couple of weeks, our police officers have answered some very dangerous calls. A couple of weeks ago, you have an officer in the North Precinct who was confronted by a man with two butcher knives who charged at him. Over the weekend, you had the call of the guy with a gun, who according to the call was homicidal. And now, this evening you have a call that was a setup to get police to come to the home so that the police could come under fire,” said Aaron. “It’s very concerning what our officers are being confronted with over the past few weeks. It’s very concerning.”

MNPD clarified that no officers fired any shots at the scene. MNPD posted initial details of the shooting incident late Tuesday night.

“That call was a setup to get police to respond,” wrote MNPD. “The man who shot Officer Sherman, Salman Mohamed, 22, fatally shot himself in the head with a rifle in the driveway of a home as officers attempted to negotiate with him. No officers fired.”

According to MNPD, Sherman was released from the hospital that same night.

Aaron clarified that any remarks made by Mohamed would have to be uncovered during officer debriefings. The officers responding to the scene hadn’t been equipped with body cameras at that point.

According to Aaron, multiple firearms were located on the property where the incident took place. Aaron said that the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) is investigating the firearms to assist the case.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].






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9 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Officer Shot, Hospitalized After Responding to Call Set Up to Lure and Kill Officers”

  1. Jay

    But it is the religion of peace don’t you know.

  2. lb

    So now the Family, instead of facing Reporters themselves have Lawyered up and already blaming the Police for “inflammatory” Statements because they used the word AMBUSH??
    This Family is just looking to get paid. Makes you wonder if they werent in on the planning. Jr Muslim wanted to commit Jihad using Police and the Family saw a way to get paid by aiding and abetting. If not, WHY were they still in the house all the time?
    Are they here Legally, part of the “Vetted” FOR PROFIT “refugee” resettlement the Catholics force on TN?

  3. James H Swor

    Can this misfits’ ammo at least be put back in circulation?

  4. Wolf Woman

    The ambush is a favorite tactic used in violent jihad against the Kafir and recorded many times in the Sira, the biography of Mohammed.

  5. Kevin

    Thank God that the officers are OK! The Democrats just keep hiding, re-labeling and obscuring the facts, while their failed policies sink our cities and our Country!

    I can’t wait to hear the spin from the Police Oversight Committee. You can count on them either being dead quiet or they’ll spin it so that there is some element of an “ism” or “phobia” here. No, I bet they’ll try to blame Trump! Typical leftist BS!

  6. Steve Allen

    Hey donks! This is the result of your anti-American and anti-law and order behavior. What is with you people? When are you going to stand up against evil?

  7. LM

    America seems to be reverting back to a “Wild West” nation , where it is up to citizens to defend their own families – and they want to take away that ability – by defunding police and taking our guns away as well. Eventually there may be a revolt.

    1. Ron Welch

      Right, LM, the three D’s, they want HS dumbdowned, disabled and DISARMED. Disarming people has always been the historical prelude to slavery and death.


  8. Some Dude

    Nashville has become JUST another sad example of the Democrat Party.

    Enjoy Biden and his extreme liberal separatist administration that is mass-spending America’s future away. Well, whomever is IN CONTROL of Biden, that is.

    Only 3.7 more years!

    PS: Invest in the stock market, now! There may not be a later… under Biden’s controllers’ boots. Earn enough to buy your way above The Boot.
