Metro Nashville Police Prepare for Possible Inauguration Day Protest at State Capitol


Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) revealed that it would be adopting a “heightened security posture” at the State Capitol on Inauguration Day. MNPD informed the Metropolitan Council of these measures less than a week after the Capitol Hill riot took place.

In a copy of the letter obtained The Tennessee Star, Chief of Police John Drake informed the council that several unique protests would occur leading up to and on Inauguration Day. He reassured them that there wasn’t any “indication of an imminent threat of violence or danger.”

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“It is important that you know that the MNPD is remaining in contact with our state and federal partners to ensure that the rights of citizens to hold peaceful rallies and protests are protected, but do not cross into violating the law,” read the letter. “The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be very visible on Capitol grounds to maintain public safety and ensure property is not damaged. Our department will be monitoring any activities at the Capitol and elsewhere. We will have officers on stand-by with the same aforementioned mission: maintain public safety and protect property.”

In addition to a potential Inauguration Day protest congregated by supporters of President Trump, Drake added that they’d identified two other protests at the State Capitol: a social justice protest on Tuesday and a rally on Sunday called the “Tennessee Freedom Event” at the State Capitol.

Members present at Tuesday’s protest wore Black Lives Matter (BLM) shirts. They demanded “healthcare for all Tennesseans,” “immediate and innovative funding” for the unemployed, and the adoption of the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act and BREATHE Act. As for Sunday’s protest, the events page now reads that the event has been deleted from the source website.

The Star inquired with the MNPD whether they’d relied on intelligence gathered from social media, tips from the public, rally organizers, or a combination of the three to determine the extent and nature of the protests. MNPD spokespersons could only tell The Star that they’d relied on public knowledge and some internal sources.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Trump Supporters” by Anthony Crider. CC BY 2.0.








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4 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Police Prepare for Possible Inauguration Day Protest at State Capitol”

  1. Ron Welch

    I agree. Don’t attend any armed rallies otpr protests and give “the rulers of the darkness of this world” an opportunity to interject their agents in a set up.

    Remember when Senator Chuck Schumer issued a thinly-veiled threat that the “intelligence services have six ways to Sunday to get back at you”. Sounds like he knew how that operated, like agent provocateurs among those in your supporters to agitate for criminal actions, or violent protests to impugn, discredit or even “criminalize” you and your whole political agenda. Even the President who signed the most well-known intelligence service, the CIA recognized this about it and the FBI, some agents of which illegally surveillance and set up members of the President’s new administration.

    “We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him. — Harry S. Truman

    “I never would have agreed to the formation of the CIA back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” — Harry S. Truman

  2. rick

    Julie is right, do not attend any protest its another Democratic set up. Kevin also, the Chief would not have gotten the job if he were not a leftist political hack, not in Nashville. What about the June 2020 riots, where Commie Cooper spoke before the riots happened. Why was he not impeached, oh that is right, he is a Democrat, there are different rules for the democrats. Question: where is Mayor Commie Cooper? He has disappeared since his interview on Christmas day about the bombing on Second Avenue where he was laughing about the bombing and concerned more about burst water mains than the citizenry. He was more strange than usual, which says a whole lot!

  3. Julie

    Please do not attend any of these events. These events in all 50 states are being used for violence to lay the foundation for “gun reform” i.e. gun confiscation. You will notice that there are no groups using their name to organize for these events (unlike with what you had with the stop the steal rallies). The red and yellow flyer that was circulating on the internet about inauguration day protests looked like some kind of communist propaganda leaflet.

  4. Kevin

    I’d like to see the “warning” letter from the Nashville PD before the June 2020 riots. Oh, I guess that it doesn’t exist! Hmmph. And isn’t it “funny” that in the Chief’s letter he calls one “protest” a protest by social justice advocates, while he calls the other a pro-Trump rally. Subtle yet telling phraseology. This Chief is a leftist political hack!
