Michigan Congressman Fred Upton Announces Retirement at End of Term

Fred Upton

Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI-06) announced his retirement at the end of his current term on the House floor in a speech to his colleagues.

The Michigan lawmaker has served in the House of Representatives since 1987.

“Even the best of stories has a last chapter. This is it for me. I’ve done the zillions of airline miles back and forth, have signed ‘Fred’ to over a million letters, cast more votes than anyone in this Chamber while here, and by most accounts have succeeded in making a difference accomplishing what I have set out to do with more unfinished work still yet to come. Arthur Brooks recently wrote about the three traits most important in life: honesty, compassion, and faith. I’d like to think those same yardsticks were passed along to me by my parents watching now on C-SPAN,” he said in his emotional address.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer praised the retiring lawmaker:

“Congressman Upton is a lifelong Michigander, loyal U of M fan, faithful public servant, and family man. He is a passionate advocate for the issues he cares about and never hesitates to showcase his independent streak. Over decades of service, he has protected the Great Lakes and shaped major legislation on energy, the environment, manufacturing, and so much more. Mr. Upton’s leadership is bipartisan, commonsense, and empathetic.”

Because of Michigan’s redistricting process, Upton would have been forced to compete against Representative Bill Huizenga (R-MI-02). Huizenga received an endorsement from former President Trump, who Upton voted to impeach.

Upton is the fourth GOP lawmaker who voted to impeach Trump to refrain from running for re-election, as Trump actively seeks to punish the remaining six.

“UPTON QUITS! 4 down and 6 to go. Others losing badly, who’s next?” he remarked after Upton’s speech.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Michigan Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].




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One Thought to “Michigan Congressman Fred Upton Announces Retirement at End of Term”

  1. Truthy McTruthFace

    glad to see you go, fred

    dont let the door hit you
