Michigan Governor Doesn’t Rule Out Martial Law as Coronavirus Response

by Mary Margaret Olohan


The governor of Michigan dodged a question on whether she would rule out martial law as a response to the coronavirus pandemic Friday.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer discussed the outbreak of the coronavirus Friday morning on the Michael Patrick Shiels talk radio show. Shiels asked Whitmer whether she would declare martial law in the state of Michigan.

“Could we get to a position where it’s sort of like martial law, where everything is closed and everybody stays home, like it is in Italy, for instance ,where you only have the hospitals and the drug stores open?” Shiels asked.

“I think we have to make decisions based on where the facts and science dictate,” Whitmer said. “At this juncture it is too early to make any statements — it wouldn’t be responsible to make any statements on that front.”

“I will tell you that every decision we make, we will be transparent about it, what’s driving the decision,” she added. “We will share it as quickly as we can with the public once the decision has been made and we will always put the health and safety of the people of the state first and foremost and that will drive all decisions.”

Whitmer announced the closure of all schools until April 16 in the state of Michigan on Thursday.

“I am working with partners across state government to ensure educators, parents, and students have the support they need, and to ensure our children who rely on school for meals have access to food,” the governor tweeted Thursday afternoon. “I know this will be a tough time, but we’re doing this to keep the most people we can safe. I urge everyone to make smart choices during this time and to do everything they can to protect themselves and their families.”

Whitmer’s office did not yet respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Gretchen Whitmer” by Julia Pickett. CC BY-SA 4.0.







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6 Thoughts to “Michigan Governor Doesn’t Rule Out Martial Law as Coronavirus Response”

  1. Nola

    After today’s terrorist attack on the capital by far left wing nuts, she should declare martial law and call in the national guard to enforce her orders. She should also have fired any law enforcement that refuses to implement her orders.

  2. Americans say anyone who opposes tyranny hates the USA.

  3. Wendy McGlenn

    How can you put up a headline like this? This is absolutely why people panic! Shame shame shame on you!!

  4. […] According to The Tennessee Star, “Whitmer announced the closure of all schools until April 16 in the state of Michigan on Thursday.” She later vowed in a tweet to make efforts “to ensure our children who rely on school for meals have access to food.” […]

  5. Candice rose

    It’s April 6th schools are closed. Not 16th

    1. Nonya

      Actually it was march 16th
