Michigan’s Tlaib Blames Trump for Death Threats She’s Receiving

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) recently sat down with Mehdi Hasan from The Intercept for his “Deconstructed” podcast where the Michigan representative blamed President Donald Trump for the alleged death threats she’s receiving.

“Absolutely, he is the leader of our country. He sets the tone and you, even in rallies and other instances, he’s even said if impeachment continued, we’re going to see violence. We’re going to see—I mean, it’s almost like he’s sent out some sort of signal,” Tlaib responded when asked if she holds “this president’s rhetoric responsible” for the threats.

During the show, Tlaib continued to build her case for impeaching Trump by invoking the emoluments clause, claiming Trump is “making decisions not in the best interest of the American people,” but “based on the profit lines.”

“The Constitution demands it and I want to reiterate to people to understand that this is beyond collusion with Russia. This is beyond the Mueller investigation. Every single day that he’s president of the United States that has not divested in all of his domestic and foreign corporations, he’s making decisions not in the best interest of the American people,” she said.

Tlaib went on to claim that this “causes a tremendous amount of fear” among her constituents because they “understand we now have a guy that still is sitting, in many ways, CEO of various interests foreign and domestic.”

“Look, it’s not a waste of time to hold the president of the United States accountable,” she added. “No matter what we pass, he’s the administration that has to implement it. So, if it’s not in the corporate interest of his own, you know, profit line, then he’s not going to implement it on the best interest of the American people.”

Tlaib also addressed recent comments she made that employed the anti-Semitic “dual loyalty” conspiracy, which suggests that Israel essentially controls U.S. politicians.

“It’s ridiculous for those to somehow, the desperation and trying to tie that somehow, that I’m somehow anti-Semitic. It’s absolutely ridiculous,” she said.

Naturally, the two also discussed comments that she made calling the president a “motherf—,” which Trump called “disgraceful.”

“He disgraces the office of the presidency every single day,” Tlaib said.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rashida Tlaib” by Rashida Tlaib. 
Photo “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.







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23 Thoughts to “Michigan’s Tlaib Blames Trump for Death Threats She’s Receiving”

  1. Michael

    She has absolute right to her opinion in this country. She would be a second rate citizen with no right to speak under rules of Islam if imposed here. She better thank God she even has a right to speak out.
