Middle Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America to Hold ‘Ceasefire Now’ Rally in Nashville Saturday

The Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) announced it will hold another pro-Palestine rally this upcoming weekend at Centennial Park in Nashville.

“Stand up for Palestine! Ceasefire now! Join us in Nashville at 2000 West End Ave on Saturday at 1PM,” the group wrote in a social media post on Tuesday.

In the rally’s flier advertising, Middle Tennessee DSA urged those planning on attending to bring banners, signs, and other placards that “support and call for the protection of civilians everywhere.”

The flier also adds, “President Biden and Congress: stop funding and supporting genocide!”

The group’s upcoming rally will mark the fourth straight weekend of pro-Palestine demonstrations in downtown Nashville amid the terrorist group Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel that left over 1,400 Israelis and 32 Americans dead. Middle Tennessee DSA has organized each rally.

Middle Tennessee DSA’s most recent pro-Palestine rally, which took place this past weekend, drew a crowd of approximately 300 protesters, including Tennessee State Senator Heidi Campbell (D-Nashville), who quickly left the event shortly after discovering her whereabouts were captured on camera.

The fourth pro-Palestine rally in Nashville is planned on the same day that tens of thousands of protesters are expected to march in Washington D.C., in support of Palestine and a ceasefire between Israeli forces and Hamas terrorists.

In a social media post, the national chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America announced, “Find a bus to join us & tens of thousands in a mass mobilization in D.C. on Nov 4th! Take to the streets for a #CeasefireNOW and #FreePalestine!”

The national chapter is also calling for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, adding, “Lift the siege on Gaza now!”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.




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9 Thoughts to “Middle Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America to Hold ‘Ceasefire Now’ Rally in Nashville Saturday”

  1. Colleen Sanders

    Interesting, have any of the Democratic Socialists contacted Hamas members and asked them if they want a ceasefire? No, because they do not want one. The goal of Hamas is to exterminate all Jews. What part of that concept do they not understand? You cannot negotiate with Jihadists. The Democratic Socialists are just plain ignorant.

  2. Nashville Stomper

    A rally against genocide in behalf of a group whose leadership openly calls for genocide. Interesting.

  3. Nashville Deplorable

    Jheese! Do these people not have jobs? They always seem to be protesting and never working an honest day.

  4. Steve

    The Unites States is being crushed in a Zionist and Marxist sandwich. The comicality of it is that they both have the same origins.

  5. OnTheBend

    Democratic Socialist Of America should be known as DAZIs. BLM, AntiFa and this new anti-jewish/pro-Hamas rabble they have out in the streets are the modern Brown Shirts. Take note of who you see marching or aligning with them in your town. Refuse to do business with anyone that employs them and keep them away from your family and children. We can’t let them grow. History shows what happened when the NAZIs were allowed to take hold in Germany. This isn’t a game anymore…never was.

  6. james bellar

    take names for Americas DO NOT HIRE LIST

  7. Middle Tennessee DSA is a terrorist organization. Yet, the DOJ will continue to ignore that fact and prosecute parents at school board meetings. Called the Bide Prerogative.

  8. mikey whipwreck

    commies sure like a good public get together

  9. Ron W

    Ilich Ramirez Sanchez — aka Carlos the Jackal — communist convert to Islam, in his 2003 book, “Revolutionary Islam” called on “all revolutionaries, including those of the left, even atheists,” to accept the leadership of Islamists:
    “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States,”

    “Democratic Socialists” they declare themselves.

    “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.”
    “The goal of socialism is communism.”
    —-Vladimir Lenin

    They’re here and organized.
