Migrant Encounters at the Border Have Nearly Doubled Since Biden Took Office

by Jennie Taer


The number of migrants encountered at the southern border in January nearly doubled that of January 2021, when President Joe Biden took office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported Friday.

CBP agents encountered 153,941 migrants in January, according to an agency press releasenearly twice the 78,414 migrants encountered in January 2021.

“CBP’s January Monthly Operational Update shows migratory flows decreased in January, with CBP personnel encountering 14 percent fewer individuals along the Southwest border than December. Most encounters in January were of single adults and a majority were expelled under Title 42,” CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said in the press release.

“Overall illegal narcotic seizures decreased, though there was a substantial increase of fentanyl interdictions. CBP continues to take important steps to improve our ability to interdict narcotics and keep dangerous drugs off our streets,” Magnus said.

CBP noted that the number of expulsions during the pandemic caused many migrants to attempt to cross into the U.S. multiple times. Out of the total encounters, CBP encountered 111,437 new migrants who hadn’t previously attempted to cross, an 18% decrease from December 2021.

Compared to December, encounters in January represented a 14% decrease. And of the total January encounters, 26% had at least one previous CBP interaction in the last year.

Single adults constituted 73% of the migrants encountered in January, and agents encountered just 8,777 unaccompanied children, a 26% decrease from December. Border agents also encountered 31,795 family unit individuals, a 39% decrease from December.

A total of 78,486 migrants were processed for expulsion under the Title 42 public health order, and 75,455 were processed under Title 8.

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Jennie Taer is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.



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One Thought to “Migrant Encounters at the Border Have Nearly Doubled Since Biden Took Office”

  1. Dr Ken

    If President Trump was still in office Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer would be ranting that such collections of the unmasked were “super spreader COVID” events. They would demand they be stopped immediately. Amazing how in one short year Biden, his Administration and the democrat party could so adversely affect only every area of life in the US. The Build Back Better debacle will fuel inflation, interest rates will explode. We’ll return to the inflation and stagflation stoked by Carter during his term. Biden is a disaster and again going back to the aforementioned democrats, all would be demanding an Article of Impeachment if President Trump was steering the country into such a mess. Let’s go Brandon!
