Minneapolis’ ‘Little Mogadishu’ Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs


Violent crimes increased by more than 50 percent in 2018 in Minneapolis’ Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, nicknamed “little Mogadishu,” which authorities attribute to Somali gang activity in the area.

Buried in a recent Star Tribune article was the fact that violent crimes jumped from 54 in 2010 to 84 in 2018, an increase in roughly 56 percent. Authorities attribute the violence to rivalries between Somali gangs, such as the Somali Mafia, the Somali Outlaws, the Hot Boyz, and Madhibaan with Attitude, Alpha News reports.

According to a 2014 Southside Pride article, the Outlaws and Madhibaan with Attitude have a rivalry that stretches back years, and likely resulted in the murder of two Somali men in April 2014. That article notes that the summer of 2013 was a particularly bloody season for gang warfare, which produced at least 4 killings.

A 2013 CBS article detailed the involvement of the Outlaws, the Mafia, and another gang called the Lady Outlaws in a sex-trafficking ring that recruited and prostituted young girls, some of whom were under the age of 14, between 2000 and 2010. The ring was operated out of Minneapolis, Columbus, and Nashville, and resulted in the indictment of 30 individuals involved.

In 2008, the Minneapolis Police Department created a Somali liaison position to focus solely on addressing the issue. The department currently has 5 Somali-speaking officers to assist in outreach to the immigrant community. According an MPR report from the time, officers began to notice that Somali gangs were dividing themselves along the same clan lines of their war-torn country.

The issue first garnered national attention after a 2009 CBS News report titled “Rise of Somali Gangs Plagues Minneapolis,” though officers were still hesitant at the time to pin the crimes on Somali gang activity.

“It was all gang activity, totally, 100 percent,” Shukri Adan, a Somali community organizer, said of the murders of seven Somali men in a 10-month period. Adan was tasked with drafting a report for the City of Minneapolis in which he estimated that between 400 and 500 Somali men were involved in gangs.

“The police don’t want to say that but everybody else knows that,” he added.

The latest rise in violent crimes in the Cedar-Riverside area comes as a concern to many, considering that city leaders have started to invest in security upgrades and community-outreach programs. In May, for instance, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced that a high-rise apartment complex at the center of little Mogadishu would be receiving an $825,000 security upgrade, including fencing, key fobs, and numerous security cameras.

In December, the Minneapolis City Council voted to divert $43,000 from the Minneapolis Police Department to create a youth outreach team for the area, Minnesota Daily reports.

“Everybody’s gotten to the point where, hey, you know, we don’t need more police, we need more intervention,” one organizer in attendance said. Several businesses in the area have joined together to hire off-duty police officers to patrol the area, while others are donating food and beverages to hand out to youth roaming the streets.

The Star Tribune reports that the latest uptick in violent crimes is mostly due to a surge in robberies and assaults.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Little Mogadishu” by Fibonacci Blue. CC BY 2.0.






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149 Thoughts to “Minneapolis’ ‘Little Mogadishu’ Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Gangs”

  1. Christian Rosenkruz

    You can bet all of those gangs have handlers or planted members from at least one 3 letter agencies. Reminds me of the Ventura story. First day of being Governor his secretary told him someone wanted to see him. In the basement were 21 federal.agents who wanted to know how he got elected so that someone like an independent “could never happen again.” Minnesota is compromised.

    1. Boyd Herrst

      s**t happens !

    2. bob

      I do not disbelieve you however I would certainly like facts to back this up. It was no secret that the establishment hated Jessie and would not work with him, something like Trump being unwelcome to the club. That is the reason Jessie choose to not run for a second term. This is what we have folks, politics and they own it and we will never have anything to say about it. The only thing we do have to say is what they feed the masses to say and so goes the division created by “Them” to suit only their purpose.

    3. Spartan

      What you see is an event called tribalism, as a Ranger and later an SF Team leader I deployed to Somalia multiple times, it is really no different than when the Hmong were brought to the five state area, they gather in force (Tribe) to make a home that suits them, this is what happens when there is no motivation to assimilate, the churches who sponsor these moves get their Federal money and move on leaving the community to deal with the issues that result, the only compromise that exists lies within the Democratic mindset that states act out of your moral consciousness rather than out of a planned gradual influx of immigration, Somalia has been destroyed by tribalism and will never recover from it in this century, Citizens need to act now, the only hope is to use your power to vote and remove those who have allowed this to occur regardless of party lines.

      1. Bob

        I’m Retired EOD. Maybe we should have never let a group of violent thugs move here in the first damn place!

  2. Jeff Pendleton

    So what was the increase in violent crime in the whole city during this period? What is your definition of a “violent crime”? Do you have evidence that the violent crimes were comitted by gangs? I live in MN and I can tell you this story is pure propaganda.

    1. Harrison

      Nope. These people are evil. They all move to one area, elect their people into office, then try to change laws to fit their agenda. It’s pathetic that we allow that to openly happen here.

    2. Reign

      Consider the source; totally biased right wing “baby Breitbart”. Ho hum.

      1. Michael Fulghum

        True!! but somewhere along the line You’d have thought we were smart enough not to import this kind of “Sh!t”???

        1. Ken Bouas

          Thank Former President Obama.

      2. Marv

        Are you on drugs, you do know you can look up those same stats, are you that naive or blind, this isn’t politics it’s facts.

    3. Larry

      You must be one of the proud voters who put those “fine” citizens to be members of Congress.

    4. John T. Mood

      Get yourself a copy if, or browse to the FBI’S uniform crime report.


      Somali gangvactivity seems to traditionally happen in Somali neighborhoods, sobyou’re NOT going to see it.

    5. Hardrockminer

      And I lived on the former West Bank for 22 years. Now known as Little Mogadishu. I fled 16 years ago. The story is true.

    6. Sandra Wightman

      Then you are completely deaf dumb and blind I too live in Minnesota try coming out of your safe space

    7. Larry

      I live in MN also, and I’ll tell you the story is true.

    8. Ray Guiducci

      I thought so, it’s written like propaganda, thank you for confirming my suspicions were correct

    9. Gene

      actually if you read the whole article the statistics were put together by a professional who deals with gangs

    10. madeline mardigan

      There are doj reports. Try looking at them

  3. Dee s

    They have been here longer then Obama was in office. There was problems 32 years ago with them.

  4. RickMcHale

    Odd, isn’t it. Obama lets these savages into your great state, with so many free benefits that the rest of you had to work for, destroying your traditional community, while he and his ungrateful wife move to a 15 million dollar home on an Island in the Atlantic Ocean populated by @ 93 % white people. Big of him.

    1. Larry

      Excellent point!

  5. BEETA

    Obama brought these Somali’s here plus other muslims and gave them life time citizenship so the next administration could not deport them. He gave them life time benefits also off of the taxpayers. So they have citizen ship so they could vote and get in the Gov. also. If they can take down our Gov. with numbers america is gone and they know it. We must not vote them in ever . any of them. Like obama they will be faithful to jihad and the muslim cause to conquer America for Islam like they do and have all other countries of the world. Wake up america. It is an invasion to conquer America .

  6. Steve

    Islam brings bigoted thinking and more cruel and unusual punishment that the liberals claim to be against. What do they think will happen to the alphabet people as they continue to inject the pedophile worshipers into our free society?

  7. Barbara Lofquist

    The Somalis have occupied 600 units of section 8 for over 25 years in Little Mogadishu. Time to put time limits on Section 8 for able-bodied adults.

    1. Susan

      No KIDDING!!!! They see America as a free ticket for everything!!!! And then when their children start to-“AGE OUT”- they just have more kids to stay in the system and to continue collecting… they need to set limits especially with these people they know how to play the game and people that are living in their apartments that don’t belong there need to be evicted immediately as well no extended families allowed to move in and benefit as well!!!!!! I know people that have been waiting as up to 10 years to try to get a place to live that are US citizens that have some have served in the military that still can’t get in!!!!

    2. Carolyn Patterson

      Amen…. Why are they allowed to be on aide to begin with? We have elderly people and veterans on the streets living and these people are living the life of Riley!!! We need to put a stop to all this every where in the U.S.

    3. JdV

      Who are the “pedophile worshipers” ?

    4. Kevin Lorusso

      Yes it’s past time for that

  8. Dawn T

    The Cedar Riverside area of Minneapolis is also referred to as Minnesomlia!!! And guess who represents that area in Congress??? The American hating Omar!!! I work in that area in a hospital and that area is literally crawling with them!! I wish they would send them all back to where they came from!! A local news station did a story about a year ago and asked Somalis in the area if they had the choice where would they want to live. They all said somewhere in Somali!! I yelled at the TV and said, then leave!! No one is keeping you here!!

    1. Barbara Lofquist

      The proper name is ‘Little Mogadishu. I fled my much loved home of 25 years, 16 years ago. It is almost a ‘no go’ zone now😢

      1. JdV

        I had a friend driven out of her home in Lewiston, Me & my son has a friend in Sweden that told them the Somolis were let into her country & they have been nothing but despicable. She said they made Sweden hate black ppl. But African Americans, not Somolis, would not tolerate or put up with the Somolis brutality anymore than white Americans do.

  9. Janna Anderson

    I live in a first tier suburb outside of Minneapolis. It has been bad for a long time. They have been taught to vote multiple times in multiple cities. Lots of voter fraud. Lots of them are running for city council seats, and the democrats are blind to their agenda. The Star Tribune & local media hide most of what crimes their people are committing. Multiple attacks on the average person in the Twin Cities.

  10. LaRock

    Good job liberals keep destroying cities.

  11. shelty

    it time to take that privileged away and send them back to the country we except them from, they do not want to live in peace or do what we ask to become american.. there fore they must go back…

  12. libsick

    We lived in the Cedar Riverside area years ago, when it was populated mainly by university students, young families and retirees. It was middle class, safe, and fun to live there. There were restaurants and entertainment. Now it is dominated by somali stores and gangs, and we don’t even dare to drive through the area any more.

    1. Ksw

      Same here. U grad mid 70s. I actually looked at apartments in the new Cedar Riverside complex but parking was a hassle. I moved away twice from the Twin Cities and have no intention of moving back.

  13. […] Minneapolis’ ‘Little Mogadishu’ Sees 56 Percent Increase in Violent Crimes Caused by Somali Ga… (2019) […]

  14. Ltpar

    I am guessing Minneapolis is just another Democrat run, arm pit city. When citizens have had enough of the violence, bloodshed and gangs, they will vote out the liberals on the City Council and bring in some ass kicking conservatives. First step to cleaning up the mess is for the Police to identify the 400-500 members of the gangs. Bring in ICE, work cooperatively with them to round up gang members and start deportation proceedings on them. In addition, start a high profile Police “Selective Enforcement” Program in Little Mogadishu, with a zero tolerance for violating any law. A the same time, work with the decent citizens of the community to develop a “partnership” for keeping them safe. As with all liberal cities, I will not hold my breath waiting for these things to happen. Moral of the story is, “The quality of government is in direct ration to the people you elect to run it for you.”

    1. Desiree RedBird

      while corruption is at the root, including positions such as omar’s BEING BOUGHT, there is no hope if ppl think like my sister. she is in the area, and i have considered moving there so have tried to talk to her about situations. she has done NO research whatsover, while i have done A LOT on many areas, including this one.
      in her ignorance, and listening to liberal BS although purportedly being republican, i get accused of RACISM.
      MILLIONS in govt program fraud goes to TERRORIST orgs., the last many politicos have had their positions BOUGHT, they get assistance of every kind imaginable, and on and on and on. but i am a racist who knows nothing because i don’t read the Bible and only read the internet (according to her).
      anyone who thinks like that has sold out their community in favor of being “caring” without having a clue (or wanting one) of what is actually being done right under their noses.

      1. sawmill sam

        what desiree describes is called “virtue signaling,” and is the newest secular version of “good works” – Christians need to see through this – Minnesota believers of all things Christian – indeed, Scandinavian culture – tends to be soft-headed toward evil – they confuse that with soft-hearted forgiveness, compassion and redemption – a corollary to “easy believism” with no real commitment to Christian living other than virtue-signaling

        1. sawmill sam

          certainly, God is most concerned with our position in terms of spiritual battles and not temporal/earthly ones, per se, but one is not exclusive of the other

    2. Thomas Jr

      No they just move away and then mess up the new city they moved to by still voting the same way.. Sad. Please stay in your sh!t hole city and away from my awesome city that votes red..

    3. brek

      Vote out the liberals? Get real. The conservatives, white people have fled. Once an area is destroyed it takes a lot to get good people to come back. Soon the federal gov and state gov will be broke, as in no money. The welfare to these arm pit cities will cease and then the shtf.
