Minnesota Teacher Wants to ‘Secretly Inject’ Kids with Puberty Blockers

by Hayley Feland


A Bemidji High School teacher fantasizes about secretly injecting children with puberty blockers, according to a Facebook post obtained by Alpha News.

“Me coming to the realization I will never fulfill my lifelong quest of moving to Tennessee to secretly inject 11 year olds with hormone blockers while I do an interpretive drag dance to my favorite Judy Blume novel,” said the post, published to the Facebook page of Gina Marie Bernard.

Bernard, a biological male who identifies as a woman, is listed as an English teacher at Bemidji High School.

Parents told Alpha News the post was published at the end of February, around the time Tennessee passed legislation prohibiting sex changes for minors.

The post has since been deleted from Bernard’s profile where he describes himself as a “wicked vixen.” Bernard has published several pieces of poetry, including one called “Confessional,” where he writes about giving his daughters marijuana and wine, performing oral sex, killing a friend’s cat, masturbating, and writing a letter to a serial killer.

“I’ve tasted the barrel of a loaded Winchester Ranger 20-gauge, silky with Hoppe’s No. 9. I fantasize about committing a crime so I can spend a year in a women’s prison. But only a year,” the poem says.

The poem is apparently included in one of Bernard’s two books of poetry, which are called “I Am This Girl” and “Naked, Gettin’ Nuder,” according to The Bemidji Pioneer.

“That poem was very hard to write because I had to kind of bare my soul, and I had to be really honest about some things that I could have easily taken to my grave and never told anybody,” Bernard told the outlet.

“But how do you live in light? How do you live in truth? How do you demonstrate to other people that you’re more than the sum total of your choices without being willing to open that vein? That’s kind of what the poetry’s all about,” Bernard added.

Images allegedly from Bernard’s classroom obtained by Alpha News show a pride flag and transgender flag. “How is this okay?” one parent asked.

“[The post] about injecting children is disgusting and disturbing. I don’t even know how to put it into words. This man shouldn’t be around my children or any other children. I’m very scared for my children’s safety to even be in the same building as this man,” said the parent, who asked to remain anonymous.

An additional parent of one of Bernard’s former students told Alpha News that his daughter was criticized by a staff member for referring to Bernard as a male.

“This information is out there for the students to see. This is where the big issue comes,” the parent said.

Bernard declined to comment for this story. District leaders did not respond to multiple emails and calls seeking comment.

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Hayley Feland previously worked as a journalist with The Minnesota Sun, The Wisconsin Daily Star, and The College Fix. She is a Minnesota native with a passion for politics and journalism.
Photo “Gina Marie Bernard” by Bemidji High School. Background Photo “Young Students and Teacher” by Ksenia Chernaya.




Reprinted with permission from AlphaNewsMN.com

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4 Thoughts to “Minnesota Teacher Wants to ‘Secretly Inject’ Kids with Puberty Blockers”

  1. nicky wicks

    this person should be fired and arrested

  2. Randy

    Our academic institutions are filled with this kind of depraved reprobates.

  3. Truthy McTruthFace

    this sicko shouldnt be allowed near children.

  4. Dr Ken

    This teacher, if the article is correct, is an absolute lunatic. His comments should warrant decertification from Minnesota’s educator licensure. A decertification that would stop him from securing licensure in any other state as well. Puberty blocking drugs can be used by those who want their subjects to look prepubescent thus available for child pornography much longer.. Minnesota, don’t wait for there to be victims before you act and for crying out loud, don’t elect him to be one of your House representatives should he want to join Omar in DC.
