Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against the State of New York for Wrongful Persecution of Trump

by Jennifer Nuelle


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has filed a lawsuit against the state of New York for the violation of Missourians’ First Amendment right to hear from a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Bailey stated that the sentencing of Trump undermines the ability to campaign for president, sabotaging Missourians’ ability to hear from and cast a fully informed vote for a presidential candidate. Bailey (pictured above) is calling on the Supreme Court to invoke its original jurisdiction under Article III, Section II of the Constitution to settle the legal battle between the two states, according to a press release.

“We’re going to continue to fight against lawfare in all of its forms, not only by entering and filing briefs in the other illicit witch hunt prosecutions of President Trump, but also fighting to expose and make transparent the collusion between Biden’s Department of Justice and the illicit witch hunt prosecutions at the state level, and fighting censorship and the silencing of not only President Trump’s voice but of listeners in Missouri,” Bailey told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Trump was convicted on 34 accounts of falsification of business records stemming from a nondisclosure agreement with porn star Stormy Daniels. The Manhattan jury consisting of seven men and five women indicted Trump after almost 12 hours of deliberations. 

“The indictment itself has tethered President Trump to a courtroom in New York for weeks during the campaign and has the potential to send him to prison at worst and honor his terms of probation at best. That again, denies Missourians access to the president, but additionally, the gag order that was requested by the prosecutor and approved by the judge violates Missourians’ First Amendment rights to hear from a presidential candidate,” Bailey told the DCNF.

Bailey hinted on June 20 that he would sue the State of New York for the attack on the democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against former President Donald Trump, according to his statement on X.

“Trump’s conviction is very likely to be overturned on appeal. But by then, the constraints New York has sought to impose on Trump to limit his ability to campaign will already have had their full effect. Missouri has a strong, judicially enforceable interest in its citizens and electors being able to hear Trump’s campaigning free from any gag order or other interference imposed by the State of New York,” Bailey stated in the suit.

Bailey filed a motion of preliminary injunction, asking the court to immediately halt any further action in the New York case until after the American people have had their say at the ballot box, according to the press release. 

“Missourians are deeply concerned about the direction of this nation. In Missouri, we love freedom and we love the rights that are given to God and protected by the United States Constitution. We believe that the government exists to protect our rights, and so when we see the government weaponized against an individual to take those rights away, it is an affront to who we are as a people,” Bailey told the DCNF.

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Jennifer Nuelle is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 






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