More People Died of Suicide Than Coronavirus in Tennessee Last Week


More Tennesseans died from suicide than the coronavirus last week, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs revealed in a weekly update.

“Thus far, our reaction to COVID-19 has been to sacrifice the global economy,” said Jacobs. “The truth is: a sick economy produces sick people.”

According to Jacobs, the Knox County Regional Forensic Center examined nine suspected suicides in under 48 hours last week. As of Saturday afternoon, Tennessee had six confirmed deaths caused by the coronavirus.

“Last year, our medical examiner performed autopsies for 199 confirmed or suspected suicides from across the region, with 83 of those coming from Knox County. Over the past 48 hours, that office has now examined nine suspected suicides, eight of which are from Knox County alone. For Knox County, that’s almost ten percent of last year’s total number in the past two days alone,” Jacobs added.

He called the numbers “utterly shocking” and said he is questioning if the government is taking the right approach in responding to COVID-19.

“Is what we are doing now really the best approach? How can we respond to COVID-19 in a way that keeps our economy intact, keeps people employed, and empowers our people with a feeling of hope and optimism, not desperation and despair?” he said.

Dr. Martha Buchanan, director of the Knox County Health Department, began a Friday press conference by discussing the suicide rates and was holding back tears while she spoke.

“That’s startling and disturbing and really, really challenging to think about how some of the things we have to do as a community right now could be contributing to these things,” she said. “The more important message today that I want to deliver is that now more than ever we need to be kinder and gentler with ourselves and with each other. If there’s anybody out there who’s struggling, I encourage you to reach out.”

Tennessee now has 1,373 confirmed COVID-19 cases and has hospitalized 118 patients. As of Saturday, 18,338 individuals were tested for the virus.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun and The Ohio Star. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]







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20 Thoughts to “More People Died of Suicide Than Coronavirus in Tennessee Last Week”

  1. Michael Severance

    Desperate times = desperate actions. Sadly, we should not be surprised but horrified. Enough is enough!!

  2. […] from the forced lockdown which caused massive small business losses. As of the end of March, we had lost 199 citizens from suicide because of the economic closures, which at that time was more than from Covid-19.  April suicide […]

    1. Glenda Price

      Reread the article. 199 died of suicide last year. 9 died last week, which is still too many. But I’m so tired of incorrect reporting.

  3. […] from the forced lockdown which caused massive small business losses. As of the end of March, we had lost 199 citizens from suicide because of the economic closures, which at that time was more than from Covid-19.  April suicide […]

  4. […] Tennessee Star: More People Died Of Suicide Than Coronavirus In Tennessee Last Week  […]

  5. John

    Mike Pompeo said this whole Coronavirus charade is an exercise.
    Gov Cuomo said it’s a preparation drill. Once Again the govt has
    lied and deceived the people. That would explain the empty hospitals,
    nurses who have nothing to do but make dance videos all over youtube.
    Hospitals laying off thousands of workers in the midst of a pandemic
    which makes zero sense. The American people were deceived by their
    selected officials.

    1. Kevinator

      Hey John your stupid inaccurate info is based on your opinion not facts. 100% wrong so you’re opinion is this whole pandemic is fake? Then how did we get the whole world of 219 countries involved and jump on our banwagon? Most countries hate us didn’t you know. You need to open your heart and eyes! Be humble God Bless the World

  6. Carole

    If you wait to respond to the hardest hit areas, it is too late. Read up on the Spanish flu, and the responses of Philadelphia vs. St . Louis.

  7. […] Glenn Jacobs said said that more Tennesseans died from suicide last week than of the coronavirus, The Tennessee Star […]

  8. […] Jacobs said in a weekly update that more people died from suicide last week than the virus, The Tennessee Star reported. The county regional forensic center said they had nine suspected suicides in a […]

    1. Nancy Rickman

      Ok. That is one day in one county in Tennessee. If we were to compare deaths versus economy day in New York City, we would find many more Covid-19 deaths than suicides. And I think that if we took a bigger sample such as the whole US comparing numbers of suicides compared to Covid-19 deaths we would find the suicides to be a much lower percentage. So the argument that it is better to open up the businesses doesn’t hold water. What is more important, less money to live on or human lives? I choose human lives. A little hint – learn to do without a little of the luxuries of life you may have gotten used to.

      1. judy lyne minzey

        If you deduct the probable cases from the confirmed cases you have a lot less. probable is double speak. The regular flu is just as deadly even with a vaccine.

  9. […] Glenn Jacobs said said that more Tennesseans died from suicide last week than of the coronavirus, The Tennessee Star […]

  10. […] Glenn Jacobs said in a weekly update that more people died from suicide last week than the virus, The Tennessee Star reported. The county regional forensic center said they had nine suspected suicides in a 48-hour […]

  11. […] Glenn Jacobs said in a weekly update that suicide killed more people than the virus last week, The Tennessee Star Reported. The county regional forensic center said they have nine suspected suicides in a 48-hour […]

  12. […] Glenn Jacobs said in a weekly update that more people died from suicide last week than the virus, The Tennessee Star reported. The county regional forensic center said they had nine suspected suicides in a 48-hour […]

  13. […] Center examined nine suspected suicides in under 48 hours last week, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said, according to the Tennessee […]

  14. […] Middle examined 9 suspected suicides in below 48 hours final week, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said, in response to the Tennessee […]

  15. Rick

    The reaction to the virus has been a complete over reaction, but if President Trump had not reacted the way he did the leftist would have accused him of murder, he was in a no win situation. The leftist progressives, the deep state and the mainstream media won, in their attempt to ruin Trump they have ruined our economy and created hysteria. People are figuring this out and I hope the outcome for the democrat party is not good. The Democratic Party is for anything that is not good for America, they are the virus!

    1. 83ragtop50

      Rick, I am in agreement with your comments. The rational approach would have been to deal with the areas where the disease the hardest with strong measures and left the rest of the country alone. I saw where Oklahoma had closed the public schools for the remainder of this school year. That is way over the top. I live in the country and plan to do as I please.
