Mothers in Nashville Demand Government Do Something About Their Wayward Kids

This month a group of mothers reportedly assembled in Nashville to demand public officials to straighten out kids who have taken a wrong turn in life.

The Nashville-based WKRN reported the story about youth violence and how pervasive it is across Middle Tennessee.

“On Saturday, Mothers Over Murder as well as other anti-violence organizations called on community leaders and public officials for help to stop this concerning topic,” WKRN reported.

“The groups are calling on public officials and the community to respond to violence by supporting safety net programs that rehabilitate traumatized communities and create funding opportunities for anti-violence and youth organizations that are out working in the communities. The groups say they aren’t getting enough money to make the changes that should be happening.”

A man named Jay Mazon, whom WKRN identified as a “community activist,” said these organizations need more resources.

“You can’t just give pennies and expect to get a million dollars’ worth of results. That just doesn’t make sense,” Mazon reportedly told the station.

“So, I would challenge elected officials, but I challenge the community as well to start supporting the organizations.”

The number of children committing violent crime is down. Children’s ages, however, are decreasing. Younger children, the station went on to say, are committing more serious, violent crimes often times involving stolen guns.

Nashville Mayor David Briley, the station went on to say, “looks forward to concrete steps to address the issue (of youth violence).”

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, two boys and three girls in Nashville, one as young as 12, allegedly shot and killed Belmont University alumnus and musician Kyle Yorlets during a robbery.

This happened after Yorlets reportedly refused to hand over the keys to his car.

Metro Nashville Police Department identified three of the suspects, but said that under Tennessee law, youths who are age 13 and under may not be identified (two suspects are 13 and 12). The shooting happened outside Yorlet’s house in the 3200 block of Torbett Street.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mothers Over Murder” by Mothers Over Murder.








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3 Thoughts to “Mothers in Nashville Demand Government Do Something About Their Wayward Kids”

  1. Ron W

    Why just Mothers in Nashville? Aren’t the Fathers concerned?

  2. 83ragtop50

    If these mothers are so concerned why don’t they quit wasting time organizing these groups and spend some time actually parenting their own kids – including some actual discipline when their precious ones act badly? It is not the government’s responsibility to raise our children – period.

  3. Steve Allen

    Am I the only person who sees this? There is a youth violence problem in the Nashville area….last week it was an issue with high school students ill prepared for college. Why is it that the parts of the United States that are controlled by Democrats have the most problems? Look at Chicago, murder capitol of the Midwest, yet they have some of the strictest gun laws in America. The major cities of California with their rampant homeless problems and the growing disparity between the haves and have nots. Maybe it’s the associated immorality that goes hand in hand with their liberal ideology. It’s so common for people who subscribe to the Democratic ideology to expect the government to fix their problems, not themselves.
