Nancy Pelosi Ignores COVID-19 Rules, Gets Hair Done

by Catherine Smith


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was filmed breaking San Francisco Covid-19 rules by getting her hair done indoors and without a mask, Fox News reported.

In security footage shared with the channel, the California Democrat can be seen walking through eSalon in the city’s Pacific Heights neighborhood at around 3:10 p.m. Monday, with wet hair and no mask on her face. Pelosi is followed by the stylist, who is wearing a mask.

Salons and barbershops in San Francisco have been forced to close since March. The salons were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only.

eSalon’s owner Erica Kious called the congresswoman’s visit “a slap in the face.”

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” Kious told Fox.

“We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right?” Kious added. “It is just disturbing.”

According to Kious, Pelosi’s assistant set up the appointment with an independent stylist who rents chairs in her salon. The stylist messaged Kious Sunday night to say they would be in the next day.

“I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair,” the stylist wrote in a text message to Kious published by Fox.

Kious replied: “Pelosi?”

“I was like, are you kidding me right now?,” she told the outlet.

In a statement to The Post, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill insisted that the speaker was following the rules — as explained to her by the salon.

“This business offered for the speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business,” he said. “The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”

“The speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements,” Hammill added.

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Catherine Smith reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Nancy Pelosi” by Fox News.







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8 Thoughts to “Nancy Pelosi Ignores COVID-19 Rules, Gets Hair Done”

  1. John

    Yet the mainstream media is going after the owner, questioning whether it was legal for her to record without consent, ignoring Pelosi’s wrong doings.

    As always, two sets of rules. One set for the one’s in power, and the other set for the rest of us. When does the tyranny end?

    1. Ron Welch

      Yep, she kept repeating “the rule of law” and “no one is above the law”. I’m all for that, but she is an obvious liar, hypocrite and a typical authoritarian leftist.

  2. Beatrice Shaw

    I for one want mail in ballots. Much more convenient. Nancy Pelosi deserves a moment to herself to be relaxed and get some pampering. This is just rubbish trying to trash her.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Move to Virginia and you can mail in as many votes as you want.

      If going to a poll is too inconvenient then voting must not be very important to you.

  3. MAGA

    At least she wasn’t getting a Brazilian wax.

  4. Ron Welch

    I am a “senior citizen” as defined chronologically. I voted in person last month. It was no problem, none. Except for putting on a mask before entering, it was just like it’s always been. If someone is physically unable or fears the virus, they can request, as always, an absentee ballot to be sent to their name where they live, vote and mail it back. Voting, like ALL other rights, is something we exercise for ourselves. The wherewithal to vote is in place for all, now.

  5. mikey whipwreck

    if nancy pelosi can get her hair done, people can stand in line to vote.

    also if you can go to wal mart you can go vote.

    say no to the mail in ballot scam.

    1. james bellar

      and if you can go to the post office you can vote. the only way the marxist can win is to steal iy.
