Nashville Health Department Defends Metro Coronavirus Chair Alex Jahangir on Closed Schools


Parents of students who attend Metro Nashville Public Schools are upset and said Metro Coronavirus Chair Alex Jahangir is not qualified to influence how and when their kids may attend school.

But Metro Health officials said parents have their facts wrong.

At a rally Monday in front of the Metro Nashville School System Offices, Metro School Board member Fran Bush said the following about Jahangir:

“Dr. Jahangir is the main doctor that the health department is listening more to, and he doesn’t have the credentials to make these recommendations,” Bush said.

“The school board needs to go by recommendations from the CDC and the American Association of Pediatrics. It is just appalling that we have recommendations from Dr. Jahangir.”

Jahangir, according to Vanderbilt Health’s website, is an orthopedic surgeon.

Metro Health Department spokesman Brian Todd, in an email to The Tennessee Star, disputed what Bush said.

“When Nashville returned to a modified Phase 2 in late June, the Order allowed for each school system to determine how best to reopen as long as it was within the framework for the ‘Nashville Plan’ to reopen schools. Dr. Jahangir was part of a group that included Dr. Battle and leaders from charter, independent, and parochial schools on this greater framework for school reopening in Nashville in late spring,” Todd said.

“Dr. Jahangir has not worked in any great detail with any school system whether private, public, or parochial on their specific reopening plan for their own system/building(s). These complex decisions have been made by each school system, their leadership, and whomever they are consulting with for medical advice.”

As The Star reported Tuesday, because of COVID-19, Metro Nashville Public School students have to stay home and attend virtual classrooms. They are missing out on a wealth of opportunities that students in nearby school systems, without restrictions, already have.

This, according to a group of about 500 parents, students, and coaches who assembled outside in the rain Monday in front of the Metro Nashville Public School offices. They said they’re angry because children can neither attend school in person nor can they play sports.

Parents who spoke complained about students using “antiquated computers” and said COVID-19 posed less of an overall threat to students than “having them learn through a screen at home.”

Other parents said Nashville students watch their peers in surrounding school districts play sports — when they themselves cannot.

As The Star reported last week, members of the Metro Nashville Public Health Department issued new recommendations to restrict interscholastic sporting events in Davidson County.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Alex Jahangir” by 







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9 Thoughts to “Nashville Health Department Defends Metro Coronavirus Chair Alex Jahangir on Closed Schools”

  1. Karen Bracken

    And the political left in Nashville continues to hold its citizens as political hostages during a fake political pandemic that has already been proven to be a weak yearly flu and they just keep riding the wave in order to make sure we do not have a Republican in the White House. The city Mayor should be recalled. That is the only solution.

  2. Julie

    The only requirement needed for these type of positions is to be a leftist. Neil Ferguson, the Imperial College professor who helped develop the model that led to the overinflated projected death rate and the lock downs has a master degree in physics and a PhD in theoretical physics, he is not a physician epidemiologist (he was also subsequently fired from his government position when he broke the lockdown order he helped influence to fool around with his mistress). This is why people need to question the decisions these people are making and with what information.

  3. Alex Otto

    Orthopedic Surgeon. Hmm who else was that but on the different political spectrum?
    Does Manny Sethi ring a bell?

    1. Horatio Bunce

      No, not really. Dr. Manni was strangely silent on the Coronahoax and do-nothing masks and unconstitutional “mandates” and executive orders. HUGE opportunity to campaign on the side of liberty AND science. A real disappointment we were forced to hear “I have no medical license” Birx and nothing but parroting the corrupt CDC from TN medical community.

    2. Julie

      Sethi was running for office and needed to communicate his positions if elected; this is why you haven’t heard from him lately, Alex.

  4. Ron Welch

    Here’s a very recent quote which explains what’s going on. This is by a familiar and iconic political name who has bolted from the establishment and do has been almost totally shutout by our coporate media, all heavily funded by Big Pharma, because he questions the safety of vaccines:

    “Governments love pandemics the same way they love wars. it gives them power. It gives them control. And gives them the capacity to impose obedience on human beings. And today we have an inflection of new technology that gives governments the capacity to impose controls on human populations that have never been imagined by any tyrant in history “–Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaking in Berlin on Aug 29, 2020

  5. Horatio Bunce

    Shouldn’t the state be planning major education budget cuts? Since giant systems like MNPS don’t use their buildings, why do they need funding for them? If school is online, why do you need one teacher per 20 students? If the Coronahoax is real, then those surrounding school systems should have loads of dead people and also no longer need their schools. But they won’t.

  6. rick

    An orthopedic surgeon puppet closing metro schools at the direction of Commie Comrade Cooper. This is an injustice to the children and verges on child abuse. The metro democratic swamp comes up with lies and excuses for this abuse. The corrupt ch 2, ch 4 and ch 5 along with the useless Tennessean will cover for Cooper and his corrupt Health Dept. The commie mayor should be prosecuted , he is the head of the snake ! Thank you Tennessee Star for keeping us informed !!

    1. David S. Blackwell RS, BSN

