Nashville Police Will Pass Out Advisories to People Not Wearing COVID-19 Masks

If and when Metro Nashville Police officers see people in public not wearing a face covering or a mask they will react and approach them.

But they will only hand those people a printed advisory explaining the Metro Public Health Department’s new order fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Officers have been instructed to educate and warn citizens concerning the requirement until further notice,” according to a press release that city officials published this week.

The order requires that people in Davidson County wear face coverings or masks. People do not have to wear them in either their residence or another person’s residence or in their own vehicle.

City officials will also not require a face covering under the following settings and circumstances:

  • By any child aged 12 years or less. Any child aged two years or less shall not wear a face covering because of the risk of suffocation. Parents and caregivers must supervise use of face coverings by children to avoid misuse, according to the order.
  • By persons who cannot medically tolerate wearing a face covering. No person declining to wear a face covering because of a medical condition will have to produce verifying medical documentation, according to the order.
  • Within educational institutions, public and private K-12 schools, private colleges and universities, trade schools, post-secondary, and technical colleges, provided K-12 schools comply with the conditions in Nashville Plan: A Framework for a Safe, Efficient and Equitable Return to School, as outlined at
  • By persons working alone in separate office spaces or in non-public workplaces that have more than adequate area for social distancing based on the size of and number of people in the space (either indoors or outdoors). Such persons must wear a face covering when interacting with others in groups of six or more persons or in groups of any size where people cannot maintain social distancing of more than six feet.

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced Nashville entered Phase Three of a four-phased plan to reopen the city after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States. This, despite Nashville officials saying they have tallied higher numbers of the virus.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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10 Thoughts to “Nashville Police Will Pass Out Advisories to People Not Wearing COVID-19 Masks”

  1. Trump

    be glad when the pandemic hoax is over which will be after the election

  2. Cannoneer2

    That pinko commie leftist trash socialist governor of Texas is requiring masks as of today.

  3. John

    Don’t miss Metro Davidson county one bit since moving. Less crime, property tax is way less, no leftist mayor. Whenever I go out, I never spend one dime in Metro Davidson county. Life is good.

  4. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    I will not come to Nashville to spend my money.

  5. Wolf Woman

    I think I’m going to buy a box of paper masks at Walgreens and write slogans on them in ink like:
    “1984” “Fake Science” “Marx Masks” “Lenin Would Be Proud”
    Any other ideas for me?

    1. Send a message

      You know if we write Trump 2020 pm our mask the Democrats will with draw the order on mandatory masks!

    2. Ron W

      I like “Marx Masks”

      “Too Much CO2” —the “climate changers” should be down with that.

      “Restricted Breathing is Unhealthy”

      “I Need Oxygen!”

  6. Julie

    COVID is expected to be seasonal, it will be treated like the flu once the mass testing goes away. There will only be cries to test, mask, and shut everything down when it is politically expedient to do so.

  7. Kevin

    This executive order is a joke! It’s a complete waste of money and police officer time, a tooth-less, unenforceable, attempted power grab by a Napoleon-complex, flawed individual.

    How long will it be before someone starts a contest to see how many “warning” slips they can collect?

  8. Russ Crouch

    They really need to print a lot of these, people will no longer listen to or follow a government that breaks it’s own rules while they pander to people that have destroyed soo much, all the time trying to punish the people that do not. They have given up the right.
