National Security Expert Says A Mae Beavers Win Is For The Country And Conservatism, Not Just Tennessee

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — National security expert, Brian Kennedy, President of the American Strategy Group, calling gubernatorial candidate Mae Beavers “a hero of conservatism” said “if she can win here in Tennessee, it will be a win not only for Tennessee but for the country and conservatism.”

Kennedy, speaking to a group of at least 50 attending a fundraising event in support of Beavers’ gubernatorial campaign held at a private residence in Nashville, has a soft-spoken delivery that conveyed sincerity and commanded a hushed attention.

The statement Kennedy made about a Beavers win drew unanimous applause.

Beavers, “a leader on illegal immigration and the Islamic threat,” in whom Kennedy said he sees “many of the same things I see in Donald Trump.”

Refugee resettlement, illegal immigration and terrorism are main themes of Beavers’ campaign platform and what drew her to support, at the time candidate, Donald Trump for president.  Beavers said she thought, “Nobody else is talking about those things and this man is brave enough to be talking about it.”  Beavers was an early supporter of Donald Trump who went on to be a Trump delegate and the chair of the Tennessee delegation at the Republican National Convention, announcing Tennessee’s 33 delegates for Trump.

The American Strategy Group, which Kennedy heads along with author, teacher and former Department of Education Secretary under President Ronald Reagan, William J. “Bill” Bennett, is a non-profit think tank that “is dedicated to understanding the existential threats to the United States and western civilization presented by the Islamic world, Russia, China, and the loss of America’s founding principles. Our purpose is to educate Americans about these threats, what must be done to defend the United States, and to recover the strategic seriousness that used to guide this nation.”

Kennedy also sits on the Board of Directors of the Claremont Institute, the mission of which is “to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.”

Based in California, Kennedy says people don’t see it there or very often in Washington, but instead look to the rest of the country for those who, “in an unapologetic way, are willing to defend what is good about this country,” but added ominously “that the country can actually be lost.”

Kennedy wasn’t the only one in attendance who travelled a distance to be there.  Charlotte Bergmann, U.S. Congressional candidate for the 9th District located entirely within Shelby County, to replace Democrat Steven Cohen, who has held the seat for 10 years, “woke up early to drive to Nashville.”

As 2nd VP, Bergmann relayed the story of the September 30 Shelby County Republican Women’s Club (SCRWC) Gubernatorial Forum which, as the TNGOP website showed as late as September 11, was to include five gubernatorial candidates:  Mae Beavers, Diane Black, Randy Boyd, Beth Harwell and Bill Lee.

Bergmann reported, “As we got closer and closer to the event, only one candidate showed up and it was Mae Beavers.”

After the SCRWC event, Bergmann had friends tell her “I love Mae Beavers,” which is the reason she said she came all the way to Nashville, “To support this beautiful lady, and I think she’s wonderful.”

As far as “Leaders who are willing to stand up and say and do the right thing,” Kennedy reaffirmed what has earned her “The Iron Lady” moniker, “Mae Beavers has been that consistently.”

A Beavers win “will show that it’s still our country, that we’re going to defend it and that we’re going to have people that are going to stand with us and lead us in that effort,” said Kennedy, concluding, “I couldn’t be more proud than to support someone like Mae Beavers.”

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5 Thoughts to “National Security Expert Says A Mae Beavers Win Is For The Country And Conservatism, Not Just Tennessee”

  1. Sherrie Orange

    Amen, Rebecca, Susan Gingrich, and S. Lowe. State Sen. Mae Beavers is a clear proven conservative. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to elect a true conservative in the highest office of Tennessee?

  2. Rebecca

    Moral courage. Convictions. Conservative to the core. What more could any good Tennessean want? The Iron Lady is a name well-suited for Mae.

  3. Eric

    Mae is the only conservative in the race and she has my vote.

  4. S. Lowe

    Mae has been very responsive to questions on her core values as an elected official. My research shows she does not need to reinterpret positions she has take in the Senate, as some do. Her word is reflected in her voting record. I would like the Tennessee Star to pick out 20-25 key Tennessee Senate/House votes over the past 4 years that would reveal a candidates core values. And post the voting records of all candidates that were serving in the Legislature. Non-elected officials can post alternative objective proof of the their positions. Quite frankly I am tired of the well meaning RINO that believes he/she “have the right stuff” to do the job. I want solid references! Thoroughly vetted. Any chance a candidate can get a Steve Bannon or Donald Trump endorsement?

  5. Susan E Gingrich

    Mae Beavers is the no nonsense Governor we need. Never desiring to be politically correct, she will not play games with the legislature, look the other way at dangers already in TN, nor ignore the federal government’s strings requiring TN to spend money in ways counterproductive to the real needs of Tennesseans. She is the real deal when it comes to conservative values and principles. Get behind Mae Beavers for Governor and please help!
