Amazon Offers to Help Biden Administration with Vaccine Distribution, After Ignoring Trump Administration

by Eric Lendrum


The Big Tech giant Amazon has publicly offered to assist the new Biden Administration with efforts to distribute the coronavirus vaccine, after previously not making any such offers to the Trump Administration, as reported by the Daily Caller.

The offer was made in a letter to Joe Biden by Amazon vice president Dave Clark, who wrote that “Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your administration.” The letter continued, adding that “we are prepared to leverage our operations, information technology, and communications capabilities and expertise to assist your administration’s vaccination efforts.”

The only contact on the matter between Amazon and the Trump Administration had been in December, when Clark demanded that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) label 800,000 Amazon employees as “essential workers” so that they would be prioritized for vaccination, with no offer to assist the administration’s rollout efforts. Clark made the same appeal concerning Amazon employees to the Biden Administration as well.

Although the Trump Administration succeeded in developing a vaccine by the end of the 2020, which critics said would be impossible, the mainstream media began repeatedly and falsely labeling the vaccine rollout as “slow” and “disorganized,” without any evidence to back up these assertions. The Trump Administration ultimately saw 16 million Americans vaccinated by the end of 2020, just shy of its original pledge of 20 million.

The move by Amazon further reflects the left-wing bias of Big Tech companies, with Amazon and its CEO Jeff Bezos, who also owns the far-left publication The Washington Post, being among the most egregious examples. Amazon has already purchased a level of access to the Biden Administration by hiring the lobbying firm Ricchetti Incorporated; the firm was founded by Steve Ricchetti, who is Biden’s new White House counselor.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.







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3 Thoughts to “Amazon Offers to Help Biden Administration with Vaccine Distribution, After Ignoring Trump Administration”

  1. Wolf Woman

    Amazon, Facebook, You Tube, Google, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, all are Goliaths that need to be taken down a notch by millions of Davids. Grab your slingshot and stones. Let’s take down the Oligarchy!

  2. noname

    Nice job Jeff. Showing your true colors. How many people have died because of your selfish hate for President Trump.

  3. William Finch

    It is for this reason and others why I closed my amazon account and will never use them again for the way they treated President Trump and others.

