Former Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder Endorses Biden for President

by Andrew Trunsky


Rick Snyder, a former Republican Governor from Michigan, endorsed Joe Biden for president Thursday in an opinion column published in USA Today.

Snyder, who said that he “will continue to stand up for Republican policies and values,” also said that he believes President Donald Trump has failed to unify the nation.

“When elected to office, you do not represent only your supporters, you represent all of your constituents,” Snyder wrote. “I had hoped that his first speech as a president would be a message to unify a divided nation. Instead, I heard a speech directed at how he would help the people who supported him. And sadly, that is how President Trump continues to govern.”

The former governor, who was in office from 2011-2018, is the latest high-profile Republican to endorse Biden, following former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and over 100 former GOP staffers. Snyder refused to formally endorse Trump in 2016, The Detroit News reported.

Snyder also criticized the president’s method of responding to criticism, calling him a “bully” and saying that he “lacks a moral compass.” He also said that much of Trump’s first term has been unsuccessful.

“His tax reform was a failure,” he said, arguing that it enriched large corporations while violating “the basic principles of good tax reform.”

Snyder said that while he may disagree with Biden and will continue to support Republicans “at the local, state and federal level,” he will “bring back civility” and believes in “bringing Americans closer together.”

While Trump won Michigan by less than 11,000 votes in 2016, clinching his victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Biden has led in almost every poll against him, and leads by an average of 6.4 points, according to FiveThirtyEight.

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Andrew Trunsky is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Rick Snyder” by Rick Snyder. Background Photo “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.









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3 Thoughts to “Former Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder Endorses Biden for President”

  1. William Delzell

    Truth be told, establishment conservative Republicans fear that Trump will bring discredit upon both Neo-Conservatives (trigger happy military hawks) and Neo-Liberals (laissez-faire economic types) with his blatant behavior. So now, they want to take over the Democratic Party and use Biden as their weapon to Republicanize the Democrats. If Biden is smart, he should disassociate himself from these militarists and earn the trust of the Left. If Biden throws over the leftist rank-and-file of the Democrats, he will certainly lose to Trump. Most conservatives will stick with Trump no matter how hard Biden tries to bend over backwards for them while the leftist part of the Democrats whose votes Biden desperately needs might stay home out of disgust. No, Snyder is bad medicine for Biden!

  2. John

    I don’t know what this fool is talking about. Under Trump’s administration, my taxes have been lower. So low that I haven’t owed the IRS money, but have been refunded instead. In contrast, the era of Obama where I paid in every year his policies were in effect. The harder I worked, the more money I earned, the more I had to pay. I’m just a middle class grunt working for a small corp. So you can’t tell me none of us saw a dime of that tax cut.

  3. jj

    How did this clown get to be governor of anything except maybe the toilet?
