Johnson & Johnson Begins Final Stage of Testing for Its Single-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine

by Andrew Trunsky


Johnson & Johnson began its final round of testing for its COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday.

The study is one of the most expansive to occur so far, involving 60,000 volunteers across the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico and South Africa, the Associated Press reported. The vaccine is the latest to begin its final testing phase, joining candidates developed by Moderna and Pfizer, and is the only vaccine that would be administered as a single dose.

“We want to do everything we can without sacrificing safety or efficacy… to make sure that we end up with vaccines that are going to save lives,” Director of the National Institutes of Health Dr. Francis Collins said to reporters, according to AP.

President Donald Trump has floated the possibility of a vaccine before Election Day, despite health officials in his administration saying that a vaccine is unlikely to be completed and distributed before mid-2021.

“Big news. Numerous great companies are seeing fantastic results. The FDA must move quickly!” he tweeted Wednesday morning in reaction to Johnson and Johnson’s announcement.

A Tuesday poll showed that 61% of Americans would not take any vaccine once first available, an eight-point drop since August.

Despite the decline in confidence, Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a call earlier this week that he was confident an effective vaccine would emerge from “a tried and true process” that included rigorous testing, independent evaluations and “the integrity of the FDA,” according to AP.

The Centers for Disease Control was also set to announce Wednesday the distribution of $200 million of congressionally approved funds to states to help begin preliminary distribution of a vaccine once it is available, AP reported.

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Andrew Trunsky is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. 







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3 Thoughts to “Johnson & Johnson Begins Final Stage of Testing for Its Single-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    The vaccine manufacturers have zero liability for the damages their products cause. There is no emergency. Survival rate over 99.5%. Why risk a vaccine? Moderna’s killed or hospitalized 50% of the Ukrainians to whom it was administered. Astra Zeneca’s might paralyze you, or you will spontaneously develop MS after taking it. Will J&J put some asbestos in theirs like the baby powder?

    Maybe they will work like the flu/measles shots and create mass spread of the disease as the vaccinated shed the virus they injected…and then blame it on the uninfected asymptomatic.

  2. Sim

    Karen Bracken,

    I’m 100% in agreement with you.

    Force vaccinations will result in my use of “Deadly force to prevent it”.

    Between Fauci, Redfield, CDC, NIH, Bill Gates Foundation, and all the “LIES” that have been told about Covid,

    There’s no way I would trust them with my life or the life of any member of my family.

    With 99.95% survival rate of Covid, why take a chance on an unknown vaccine??

    Covid is more about “Politics” than Health, and I damn well don’t like what I see.

  3. Karen Bracken

    BUT will they take the human lab rats and expose them to the virus before releasing it to the pubic? NO THEY WILL NOT. Because they KNOW what has happened in the past when they did it and they KNOW what will happen now if they do it. Every time over the past 20+ years they have found a vaccine that successfully created a strong antibody in lab animals (ferrets…because their immune system is closest to the human immune system) once they were exposed to the Corona virus the animals died. When humans start dying when vaccines are exposed to the next virus/flu I guarantee they will NEVER admit it is the vaccine that caused severe illness and/or death. They will blame it on yet another fake episode. We must ALL stand strong and refuse to comply. This is a medical freedom issue. If they can withhold education, travel, drivers license, employment etc. unless you comply then freedom and liberty is toast. What will they force on you next? Believe me it will not stop with forced vaccines or just imposing severe restrictions for non compliance (extortion).
