Newly Released Photos Show Bill Clinton Enjoying Massage from an Alleged Jeffrey Epstein Victim: ‘Would You Mind Giving It a Crack’


Ahead of Bill Clinton’s scheduled Democratic National Convention speech tonight, The Daily Mail published explosive, never-seen photos of the former president enjoying a neck massage from an alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim.

Some of the photos published by The Daily Mail show Chauntae Davies, who was 22 years old at the time, giving Clinton, then 56, a back massage. These photos were taken during an African humanitarian event in 2002. Clinton and Davies accompanied Epstein on the visit.

When asked about the massage, Davies told The Daily Mail, “Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.”

Davies added that the massage occurred “when we had a stop-over for the jet to refuel and while we were in the terminal the ex-President was complaining of stiffness from falling asleep in his chair.”

“Ghislaine [Maxwell] chimed in to be funny and said that I could give him a massage, Davies said. “Everyone had a little chuckle but Ghislaine in her prim British accent insisted and said I was good. The President then asked me ‘would you mind giving it a crack.’”

The photos taken of Clinton show him aboard the “Lolita Express,” which was the nickname for the sex offender’s private plane. According to Fox News, flight records show that the former president flew on Epstein’s private plane at least 26 times.

On July 31, Virginia Giuffre, who is an alleged Epstein victim, claimed that Clinton appeared on Epstein’s private island, according to The New York Post.

“I remember asking Jeffrey what’s Bill Clinton doing here kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,” Giuffre said according to unsealed court documents.

After Giuffre’s allegations became public, Angel Ureña, a spokesman for Clinton, denied the allegations.

“The story keeps changing, the facts don’t. President Clinton has never been to the island,” he said.

Ureña also told Newsweek that Clinton had not spoken to Epstein in “well over a decade” and “knows nothing about the terrible crimes.”

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected]. Follow Zachery on Twitter @zacheryschmidt2.
Photo “Bill Clinton” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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3 Thoughts to “Newly Released Photos Show Bill Clinton Enjoying Massage from an Alleged Jeffrey Epstein Victim: ‘Would You Mind Giving It a Crack’”

  1. John

    Oh man, some heads are gonna roll….literally. The Clinton’s are notorious for (allegedly) leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake.

  2. Dave

    Once again the creepy Clintons have been caught in yet another scandal. What do you wanna bet that he gets away with it again?

    1. Deplorable Bay Stater

      No way I’m taking that bet…why do you think he’s called “Slick Willie”?
