RNC Draws Six Times as Many Views as Its Democratic Counterpart

by Eric Lendrum


Even after just the first night, the 2020 Republican National Convention is already decisively dominating the Democratic National Convention in viewership, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

On C-SPAN’s official livestream, the RNC garnered more than 440,000 viewers simultaneously. By contrast, the DNC in the previous week only reached around 76,000 on its first night. The RNC received significantly more praise not only for its lineup of speakers, but for its production quality and more closely resembling the look and feel of a convention, in contrast to the DNC mostly being a collection of Zoom conferences and pre-recorded video messages from studios. The first night’s video introduction was voiced by actor Jon Voight, and several people affiliated with President Donald Trump’s former reality TV show, “The Apprentice,” are reported to have helped produce the convention.

The first night of the RNC included Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), former NFL player Herschel Walker, Democratic Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones (D-Ga.), Mark and Patricia McCloskey, and Donald Trump Jr. The speech widely considered the highlight of the first night was Maximo Alvarez, a Cuban immigrant who denounced the Democratic Party’s shift into socialist territory by comparing them to the late Communist dictator Fidel Castro.

The second night included Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Covington Catholic teenager Nicholas Sandmann, and First Lady Melania Trump. The third night is set to feature Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), former Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell, Governor Kristi Noem (R-S.D.), Second Lady Karen Pence, Lara Trump, and Vice President Mike Pence, who will give his acceptance speech from Fort McHenry in Maryland.

Watch the First Lady’s Speech:

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Melania Trump” by CSPAN.








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One Thought to “RNC Draws Six Times as Many Views as Its Democratic Counterpart”

  1. Steve Allen

    Just ANOTHER indicator that the Donks are going to loose. And that harpy Pelosi is trying to get Biden to refuse to participate in the presidential debates. What does that tell you? The Leftists plan is; if Biden actually won (God help us all) Harris would take over the presidency in a matter of months. That would create the potential for Pelosi to ascend to the vice presidency. That’s enough to scare any true American. The Donks are counting on cheating via mail in ballots, but there are going to so many people voting for Trump that their attempt to cheat the election won’t make any difference.
