Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote

by Debra Heine


Two Wyoming Republicans have filed papers to challenge House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) in the 2022 primaries following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard and Rep. and business owner Marissa Selvig both filed statements of candidacy in the 2022 primary election on Wednesday.

Citing Cheney’s recent vote to impeach President Trump, Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard called her “out of touch” with Wyoming voters.

“Wyoming was President Trump’s best state both times he ran. That’s because Wyoming voters are strong conservatives who want their leaders to stand up for America, defend our freedoms, fight for our way of life, and always put working people first as President Trump did,” Bouchard said in a press release. “Liz Cheney’s long-time opposition to President Trump and her most recent vote for impeachment shows just how out-of-touch she is with Wyoming.”

Bouchard added that Wyoming needs “a voice in Congress” who will stand up to Speaker Pelosi and the radical Democrats in Congress.

Last Friday on Facebook, Bouchard condemned Cheney for joining the Never-Trump pig-pile.

“I expect Never Trumpers to do this stuff and CNN to play along,” the state senator wrote. “But Cheney should be run out of town, and back to Virginia for joining the blame game!”

Marissa Selvig is a former councilwoman and mayor of Pavillion, Wyoming.
On Facebook, she lists her current employment as an independent contractor in the Theatre Dept. at Central Wyoming College, and owner/brewmaster at SweetHeart Brewing Co.

Selvig announced her candidacy in a YouTube video, Wednesday.

“It’s official! I’m a candidate for Wyoming’s lone U.S. House of Representatives seat,” she wrote in the YouTube post.

I’ve been waiting for a long time to announce this publicly. Please consider voting for me in the Republican Primary in 2022. Word of mouth works! I would like this to be a very non-traditional campaign, because I think regular people like YOU and ME should be able to run for office without millions of dollars like our resident incumbent. Let’s talk! Thanks for watching, please spread the word, and get out and vote next year!

On her campaign website, Selvig says that she is a “strong, practical and creative leader who is passionate about the Constitution, the Federal Budget, and the Liberty to live freely in our beautiful state of Wyoming.”

Selvig told American Greatness via email that she had been thinking about running since 2019, “but didn’t think it would be for a number of election cycles.” She said she felt something shift in the atmosphere over the summer, and “knew now was the time.”

“I am not running solely because of the recent decisions of Rep. Cheney,” Selvig went on to say. “I have wanted to offer Wyoming a different choice. Someone who is like them, who values their opinion, who will communicate with them on a regular basis, who wants a chance to go and change Washington for the better. The people of Wyoming believe in practical budgeting, freedom from government regulation, and the constitution. So do I.”

She added: “I may not have a fancy job or pedigree, but I know how to lead, how to listen, how to analyze the facts before me, and deliberate in an intellectually honest way in order to make wise decisions, like congressmen and women are supposed to do.”

Republicans in the Cowboy State have not taken Cheney’s vote to impeach Trump sitting down.

The Wyoming GOP blasted Cheney earlier this month, accusing her of jumping to the conclusion that Trump incited an “insurrection” before any evidence was collected.

“By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the ‘evidence’ before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made,” the state GOP said last week in a statement.

The embattled congresswoman was also formally censured by the Republican Central Committee of Carbon County, Wyoming, over her vote in favor of Trump’s second impeachment.

Meanwhile, over 100 Republican members of the House of Representatives support an effort to remove Cheney as Chair of the House GOP Conference.

Additionally, there is an online petition with more than 37,000 signatures to recall Cheney on

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Anthony Bouchard” by Anthony Bouchard. Photo “Marissa Selvig” by Marissa Selvig.









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5 Thoughts to “Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote”

  1. BES

    Please please just one of you run against stupid Liz if not she’ll get her votes while the conservative votes are divided between two republicans then wyoming suffers so please put egos aside and decide which one would win my vote goes to Bouchard because he stepped in to run against her first in the early beginning why is the other coming now to upset the apple cart?

  2. Dale J Janota

    I must agree with Wendal Miller. The only way to send Liz, the Virginia cheerleader, back to Virginia is to have a one on one race, It is a given that Cheney will receive 42 to 45 % of the primary vote. Potential candidates need to heed Wendal’s advice. If you don’t heed his advice send your campaign contributions to a worthy cause so one knowns you have an IQ.

  3. Susan Edgerton

    I am thrilled that Marissa Selvig is running against Congresswoman Cheney! She is refreshing! A true Patriot committed to upholding the Constitution and our personal liberties. She is 100% approachable unlike Congresswoman Cheney. Fresh ideas and common sense.

  4. Wendal Miller

    The idiots never learn. With two or more candidates running against Cheney, that means Cheney needs fewer votes to win the Primary. The picture in the article says it all. Cheney is in the background grinning ear to ear while all of the new comers battle it out and dilute the vote.
    Same song just a different verse.
    All of the challengers need to get in a room, draw straws on who will be the challenger and everyone else drop out.

  5. Karen

    Yes! Liz Cheney should go back to Virginia! She used the good people of Wyoming to get elected and then turned her back on them to support the never- Trumpers and Mitch McConnellI

    It seemed orchestrated to me that RINO Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney both came out at the same time on the same day to be anti- Trumpers! The establishment Swamp is trying to re assert themselfs! Trump voters are’t going away!!!
