New Tennessee State Rep. London Lamar Says State Full of Racists

UPDATE: The Tennessee Star has retrieved the video – see more details here.

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The newly elected state representative for Tennessee’s 91st district livestreamed a 15-minute rant on Facebook Wednesday and, said, among other things, Tennessee is a racist state and full of uneducated Republicans.

That newly-elected representative, London Lamar, a Democrat from Memphis, also reprimanded white men for wanting to keep more of the money they earn.

Lamar also suggested allowing felons to vote will help elect more Democrats.

“Looking here at Tennessee, let’s just call a spade a spade,” Lamar said in the video.

“Tennessee is racist, period. Period. And if you for one moment thought that white people in Tennessee were going to leave their own to jump over here and give us more access, they just told you last night it’s not happening.”

Lamar said her video was also “a letter to all our statewide political consultants and candidates.” She warned against “catering to Republicans.”

“If we look at some of the numbers last night, white men voted Republican well over 60 or 70 percent,” Lamar said.

“Obviously, that is a particular base of people who believe in superiority. They don’t believe in sharing their wealth. They don’t believe in sharing resources. They believe that you need to work for your own, and they went to the polls and voted.”

Over half of Tennessee’s white women, Lamar went on to say, voted against their own interests Tuesday by helping elect Marsha Blackburn to the U.S. Senate.

Lamar then faulted Republican Gov.-Elect Bill Lee for supporting school vouchers and not wanting to expand Medicaid.

“Most of the Tennesseans who voted Republican are uneducated, so they don’t even know that they went to the polls to vote against their own interests,” Lamar said.

“They literally voted on color lines. In Tennessee, we voted based on race. Not that any of our statewide candidates were black or a minority. It was the fact that they were going to support issues to help uplift the minority community and that is what they voted against.”

Lamar then called upon the black community to start organizing.

“These people — I don’t want to say these white people — in Tennessee have voted against you and not just a little bit but by a lot of bit. Who is your real enemy here?” Lamar asked.

“This is no different than 1968. The only difference is they can’t necessarily hang us by a noose or outwardly kick us out of restaurants, but they are still exercising their right to vote and they are still supporting candidates that openly express they will oppress our communities.”

Lamar then said “right-wing crazies” have replaced moderate Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly.

Lamar then referenced Florida, where, this week, voters passed Amendment Four, which, according to Ballotpedia, will restore voting rights for people with prior felony convictions. The amendment exempts those convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense, upon completion of their sentences, including prison, parole, and probation.

Lamar tied this in to Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum.

“What if that amendment had passed, and all of those felons had a chance to vote for Gillum?” Lamar asked.

“He would probably be governor. That’s a clear example of a voter suppression tactic.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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53 Thoughts to “New Tennessee State Rep. London Lamar Says State Full of Racists”

  1. Mark Frederick

    She has the same ideas as Obama and all the things he thinks about HIMSELF and anybody looks what he did as president was set this Country back in race relations to the late 50’s and early 60’s. He and his Attorney General Eric Holder spiting out words of stupidity saying garbage like ” No black can commit racial hatred or even charged with it yet they committed racial attacks 10 to 1 while Eric Holder was Attorney General then they couldn’t get anymore out of line with his successor Loretta Lynch all she was is another Holder and she loved the spotlight. The young blacks invented a new game called The Knockout Game where they group together and one of them walks up behind they’re target all whites and suckerpunch a white old man or lady or drunk, homeless, elderly they would attack the helpless, these pigs attacked in groups both male and female and then they declared war on city, county and state law enforcement calling in shooting in some neighborhood and when the Law enforcement came they were gunned down by people waiting for them,these are just a few things LOWretta Lynch and Obama can be remembered by.

  2. Traditional Thinker

    Cohen and now Lamar? Memphis keeps turning out some real intelligent people…Where do these candidates come from, mental institutions? Outflow of sewage treatment plants? Your guess is as good as mine.

  3. Gregory

    Tennessee State Representative-Elect London Lamar, speaking in reference to Caucasian males, declares: “They believe that you need to work for your own….”

    Wow, so expecting you to support your capable and able-bodied self–without being propped up with subsidies of the fruits of someone else’s labors–is deemed in the year 2018 to be a social injustice.

    This twisted logic and sense of ethnic entitlement is why sane and rational Caucasians, of both genders, no longer vote Democrat.

  4. Bill

    White men voted more than 60 to 70 percent Republican? And ? Is it a crime to vote with conscience or moral standards in mind these days? Is the Republican party pushing slave ownership or something? Hardly. There’s a hard truth that usually comes from those who cry racism. That truth is that they themselves are the actual racist. Intelligence when casting a vote for our leaders in a free world should never be misconstrued as racist. However, ignorance casts votes for those whose only platform centers around racism. The irony these days is that it’s being touted louder than it was in the days of segregation for the mere purpose of control and power. Ignorance is as ignorance does I guess.–Forrest Gump

  5. Yeah, for a closeup look at the racists look in the mirror! LOL!

    1. Tommy Johnson

      My thoughts Exactly!!

  6. Jim Bob Lassiter

    Another “very low IQ individual” strikes again.

  7. Josh Read

    This is Henri Brooks 2.0. That didnt work out well for Brooks and it wont likely work out well for Lamar. Just being hateful eventually loses you your own constituency.

  8. tballard

    Same old song and dance. The tune never changes.

  9. Wayne Forkum

    She should know, she is the biggest racist in Tennessee.

  10. Sharon Wingo

    Unbelievable. Socialism in action.


    why is it that every time a Dem. wants to make any argument it is about race? Can you not make a point without race?

  12. Sam Lane

    Oh no..another real live walking talking pure Racist POS…Way to go Tenn.

  13. paulJ

    So by Miss Lamar’s calculations 30% of white men voted against their interests so Miss Lamar’s people could have more of their money and other vibrancy and diversity-related science. Conversely, less than 5% of Miss Lamar’s people (black women) voted unselfishly as per usual 95% of black women voted Democrat. The lack of diversity of thought and selfishness of black women is something the media should point out and castigate them for.

  14. “Looking here at Tennessee, let’s just call a spade a spade,” Lamar said in the video.
    Do I really need to?

    Ignorance has overtaken the dem party, to embarrassing levels. As soon as you see their lips move, you just have to tune them all out. They can’t win at anything on a legit level, so they need to gutter-dive with the name calling, the lies, the crimes and the unfounded, false accusations. How sad.

    Let’s see how amazing Ms. Lamar is in office. My guess is she’ll further erode and destroy the very community she swore to represent, just like the dems have nationally, for over 60 years.

    1. Zoe

      I thought we weren’t allowed to reference the word spade when around African Americans.

    2. TS

      Hopefully her rant will stir up the republicans for 2020! There is no bigger racist than the ones who continually cry racism where there is none!!
