New Unemployment Claims Jump 42 Percent in Tennessee

Tennessee State flag
by Jon Styf


Nearly 9,400 new unemployment claims were filed in Tennessee last week; the highest weekly total since mid-April.

Only nine states had more new unemployment claims than Tennessee last week. The 9,376 new claims last week represented a 42% increase from the previous week’s 6,596 new claims.

The jump in new claims came after the state stopped its participation in the federal supplemental pandemic relief unemployment program, which gives those on unemployment an additional $300 weekly through the first week of September. The final two weeks of June were the lowest claims totals since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Tennessee’s unemployment rate for June was 4.9%, one-tenth of a percentage point below May’s rate. The national unemployment rate was at 5.9%. For the past six months, the state has been at a rate of 5.1% or lower. The state’s unemployment rate a year ago was 9.3%.

“Tennessee employers helped thousands of individuals return to the workforce in June,” a news release from the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development said. “Total nonfarm employment increased by 22,100 jobs across the state. The largest number of new hires occurred in the local government sector. The accommodation/food services and administrative/support/waste services sectors accounted for the next highest number of hires.

“Between June 2020 and June 2021, employers added 153,400 Tennesseans to their payrolls.”

Tennessee’s Democratic Party leaders continued to highlight the state leaving the federal pandemic relief program Wednesday during a news conference related to the firing of the state’s top vaccine official.

It also was a topic raised when Gov. Bill Lee launched the “Tennessee on Me” initiative to incentivize travelers to book at least a two-night stay at a hotel in Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis or Knoxville to earn a $250 flight voucher.

“Tennessee companies laid off more than 9,300 people last week – the highest mark in three months and more than triple the pre-pandemic average,” Tennessee Senate Democrats tweeted Thursday. “Despite the claims of politicians, our economy is not back to normal and cuts to aid meant for workers is hurting our families.”

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Jon Styf contributes to The Center Square.

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5 Thoughts to “New Unemployment Claims Jump 42 Percent in Tennessee”

  1. Tim Price

    Everywhere I look I see Helped Wanted signs.

    So you Democrats and so call Independents just keep on lying because most of us
    don’t believe a damn word you are saying.

    Democrats and so call Independents just want more of Biden’s something for nothing

    Typical Democrats and so call Independents telling lies.

  2. Ms Independent

    Healthcare dominates the job listings right now. So if you are in that field you have thousands of jobs to choose from, otherwise it’s slim pickings.
    Healthcare benefits is the biggest hurdle in finding a new job for most unemployed people I know. Employers don’t offer it and government healthcare way too expensive. Bad times right now for a lot of people. The pandemic closures of businesses have taken a toll.
    Thank you Ragtop. I’m still searching for suitable work.

  3. 83ragtop50

    The unemployment rate went down last month to below 5%. A one week uptick does not a trend make. I hear Chicken Little Democrats crying that the sky is following.

    This article states: “The largest number of new hires occurred in the local government sector.”
    So more tax dollars are going to be needed to pay for these hires. When is that going to stop?

  4. Ms Independent

    mr Lee’s plan to take away federal unemployment payments is a disaster. He’s a disaster and needs to lose his job!! Florida governor Desantis is being sued for making the same stupid move as lee has Hope this happens in TN also!

    1. 83ragtop50

      Ms Independent. I am sympathetic to your job loss and subsequent inability to find equal or better employment. Word of mouth was always my best method of finding employment. Maybe one of us that read the Tennessee Star comments could help you find work if we knew your qualifications and desired position.
