New Virginia Attorney General Fires Entire Civil Rights Branch of the AG’s Office

by Eric Lendrum


On Friday, one day prior to being sworn in as Virginia’s new Attorney General, Jason Miyares (R-Va.) fired 30 employees in the Virginia Attorney General’s office, including the entirety of the Civil Rights Division.

As reported by the Daily Caller, 17 of the 30 employees who were fired were attorneys. Following the mass firing, Miyares spokeswoman Victoria LaCivita said that the new Attorney General was “restructuring the office, as every incoming AG has done in the past.” She noted that Miyares and former Attorney General Mark Herring (D-Va.), whom Miyares narrowly defeated in November, “have very different visions for the office.”

In response, Herring’s former spokeswoman Charlotte Gomer criticized the move, claiming that the fired employees were “dedicated and professional public servants who do important work, like investigate wrongful convictions, protect Virginians’ civil rights, help to ensure free and fair elections, and prevent human trafficking and opioid abuse.”

“Their absence will be a significant loss to the mission of the Office of Attorney General,” Gomer continued.

State Senator Louise Lucas (D-Va.), President Pro Tempore of the Virginia State Senate, complained about Miyares’ actions on Twitter, noting that she had recently introduced a bill to “create and expand the authority that this division uses.”

Miyares has announced further actions following his inauguration, including investigations into the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) district and the Virginia Parole Board, as well as another challenge to Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for teachers and healthcare workers.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22). He is currently a co-host of The Right Take podcast.
Photo “Jason Miyares” by Jason Miyares.









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6 Thoughts to “New Virginia Attorney General Fires Entire Civil Rights Branch of the AG’s Office”

  1. Skeeterskid

    I don’t blame him for firing these attorneys. When someone new takes office they have the right to restructure the office. Some people get too comfortable and then become lazy all the while they are getting a pay ck they didn’t work for. I think it’s good to have some fresh new people working there that aren’t so lazy and complacent.

    1. Susan

      Totally agree! The longer political figures are in positions, corruption occurs, hence the disgusting nightmare, that has become our Government! Term limits will stop all this! Politicians are being bought off, which increases their power, they began to believe they are above the rest of Americans, they work to advance their interest, not America’s, that’s why most politicians in DC are becoming filthy rich, while we get poorer! The Government grossly abuses and waste taxpayers💰The majority of politicians in DC need to be fired, many even prosecuted, starting at the top!

  2. Dr Ken

    I commend the new Attorney General for cleaning up the office. The good and dedicated attorneys referenced as being released will be rehired if, in fact, they are “good and dedicated employees”. The office had to change, the focus away from the woke infection had to change and that necessitated retooling and restaffing. To do otherwise is no different than a faltering business changing the name on the store front but keeping all the staff and all existing protocols and policies. A change was needed, and the new Attorney General made that happen.

  3. Hugh Brooks

    Sen Lucas’ bill will most likely not pass the State House which now has a GOP majority.

    Nice to see Republicans following thru on their promises for a change.

  4. She can still do her bill. It just won’t be her lackys getting all that new power.

    1. Sharon Shell

      True clean out and
