‘No Collusion, No Obstruction,’ Sen. Blackburn Tells Fox News Regarding Results of Mueller Probe

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) stated her defense of Attorney General William Barr and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report results in an op-ed with Fox News on Tuesday.

Blackburn tweeted,”AG Barr’s conclusions to Congress this weekend about the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe rang loud and clear. President Trump didn’t collude or conspire with Russian agents to win the 2016 election. Read op-ed for @FoxNews here:”.

Blackburn’s op-ed is available in its entirety here.

Her op-ed began:

No collusion. No obstruction. Attorney General Bill Barr’s conclusions to Congress this weekend about the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe rang loud and clear. President Trump didn’t collude or conspire with Russian agents to win the 2016 election.

After an exhaustive review of the record, both Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined the evidence was “not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”

Barr’s decision to include Rosenstein’s name in this conclusion is noteworthy. Rosenstein is a respected rule of law figure across the political spectrum. His tenure as the Maryland U.S. Attorney commands respect from rank-and-file prosecutors. While a political appointee, Rosenstein is not a political creature in his charging decisions. Adding his name to Barr’s letter to Congress sends a powerful message about the recommendation’s legitimacy and impartiality. This decision was based on just the facts – nothing more, nothing less.

Blackburn ended her op-ed with an appeal for “real leadership from Congress” through bi-partisanship work on real issues.

Blackburn’s op-ed with Fox News follows a statement of support she issued Sunday, as The Tennessee Star reported.

Blackburn’s statement read:

“After two years of thorough investigation, led by a team of 19 lawyers and 40 FBI employees, costing over $25 million in taxpayer dollars, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusions confirm that President Trump’s campaign did not collude with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

“Attorney General Bill Barr, in a jointly reached conclusion with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, determined the evidence from the Special Counsel report was ‘not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.’

“Attorney General Barr is to be commended for his quick release of the findings to Congress as well as his commitment to continue reviewing the matter further with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“Russia’s efforts to rig our elections and interfere with America’s democracy is a dangerous threat to our nation. I trust the Special Counsel’s findings will help us understand how we can prevent this threat moving forward.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. Background Photo “Department of Justice Building” by Coolcaesar. CC BY-SA 3.0.









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3 Thoughts to “‘No Collusion, No Obstruction,’ Sen. Blackburn Tells Fox News Regarding Results of Mueller Probe”

  1. William Delzell

    This is an unusually rare moment for me: to actually find something that I actually AGREE with Blackburn on. Yes, the Mueller Report fails to expose Donald Trump or the Russians in any way. Rather, it says more about the ineptitude and stupidity of establishment Democrats like Clinton and Company to destroy maverick Bernie Sanders than it does about any attempts by Trump and the Republicans to sabotage Clinton’s 2016 campaign. On two issues, I feel the Clinton Democrats are wrong and Trump right: and that’s on North Korea and Russia. The attempts by the Democrats to out-hawk and out-right wing the Trump Administration shows that they are no better (and possibly worse than Trump). Trump is actually right to put out peace feelers to North Korea and to encourage South Korea’s peace-oriented course toward North Korea and her willingness to stand up to the Japanese who once imposed a brutal colonial regime on both Koreas prior to 1945.

    The real thing that endangers the U.S. is not North Korea or Russia, but the right-wing elements in both parties: be they the “deep” statists like Schumer, Pelosi, and Clinton; and the Neanderthal wing of the G.O.P. (which has virtually taken over the Republican Party).

    In case you think I am a Trump convert, don’t. I still oppose Trump on Venezuela, Israel, the wall, and his xenophobic and bigoted domestic policies.

    It is only on this one thing that I have to defend the Trumps on.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Sorry that you have not yet seen the light but there is still hope for you.

  2. Sim

    If Smollett can walk free why shouldn’t they???

    Liars, thief’s, Crooks, can only exist in an environment that supports their lifestyle.

    And that environment is the American society as a whole.

    When they are willing to let new born babies be murdered don’t expect any Honesty or Justice,

    From them or their Judicial system.
