No Response From Gov. Lee on Far-Left Riots Planned During August Special Session

After The Tennessee Star exposed the far-left’s plan to disrupt and commit acts of violence during the August special session of the Tennessee General Assembly, Governor Bill Lee’s office could not even be reached for comment.

The Star followed up with Lee’s office on its series of exclusive reporting of audio obtained from inside a far-left gathering hosted by Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood, but the phone number for Lee’s spokesperson goes directly to a voicemail box that is full, and cannot take new messages.

During the May 13 meeting among the far-left, the agitators laid out their plans to riot at the Nashville office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), protest at Amazon and Lee’s business, Lee Corporation, and disrupt Metro Council proceedings and harass Republican lawmakers.

The August special session will focus on gun control, which has been a hot topic of debate in Tennessee since the March 27 mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville. The shooting, carried out by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as transgender, took the lives of six people, including three children.

The governor has apparently taken a meeting regarding gun control with far-left activist and State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) but would not confirm or deny that report for The Star.

Lee has called for red flag laws, which typically allow authorities to seize weapons from law-abiding citizens without due process.

“We all agree that dangerous unstable individuals who intend to harm themselves or others, should not have access to weapons,” Lee said on April 19, “and that should be done in a way that requires due process, a high burden of proof, supports law enforcement, punishes false reporting, enhances mental health support and preserves the Second Amendment for law abiding citizens. Throughout the last couple of weeks, I’ve worked with members of the General Assembly, constitutionally-minded, Second Amendment-protecting members to craft legislation for an improved Order of Protection law that’ll strengthen safety and preserve the rights of Tennesseans.”

Republicans in the Tennessee House of Representatives said that plan is a “non-starter.”

“Any red flag law is a non-starter for House Republicans,” the House majority party said. “Our caucus is focused on finding solutions that prevent dangerous individuals from harming the public and preserve the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. We have always been open to working with Governor Lee on measures that fit within that framework.”

The leader of the Tennessee Senate appears to agree with his House counterparts.

“I have reviewed the governor’s proposal,” State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin) told The Star in April. “It’s a red flag law and I have always opposed red flag laws. I do not support it.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.





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8 Thoughts to “No Response From Gov. Lee on Far-Left Riots Planned During August Special Session”

  1. william delzell

    Good for the far left! They will really need to twist Lee’s arm!

  2. Jay

    Legislature should stay home.

  3. Ron W

    ONLY YOUR ENEMY WANTS YOU DISARMED. It’s the reason they OPPOSE armed security for schools like politicians and others of the privileged class have. School shootings of UNDEFENDED children are their best reactionary pretext for citizen disarmament—the primary agenda of slavery and tyranny down through history.

    Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people and therefore deprive them of their arms.” —Aristotle (384 BC—322 BC)

  4. Den.e. Board

    Mr. Lee needs to act like the Republican he is suppose yo be. We supported him in his election, thinking he was the Conservative R., he claimed to be. In my opinion he is just another RINO. We will remember this next election.

  5. This guy is really intent on going down in flames, isn’t he?

  6. Debbie

    follow the money, in every direction. planned parenthood appears to be sponsoring, training, hosting these paid rioters in their attempt to interfere with the Gov Lee’s Red Flag Law ram-through. Their collective intent is to grab guns, and get paid doing so.

  7. Tim Price

    Governor Lee is asking for trouble if he proceeds with the planned Special Session. The left wing thugs might just proceed with their plans if the session is not held. Lee needs to pull his head from his rear end!

  8. Nameless Hunter

    Idiot RINO Lee thinks he’s going to run for national office in 28.
