North Carolina Congressman George Holding Proposes Term Limits Amendment

Republican Congressman George Holding (NC-02) has proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will create term limits for members of Congress.

Holding’s proposed amendment would limit members of the U.S. House of Representatives to six two-year terms or 12 years. U.S. Senators would be limited to two six-year terms or 12 years.

“Since the government shutdown began, we’ve seen plenty of posturing and finger-pointing – but not much common-sense. Sadly, this is the new normal in American politics,” said Congressman Holding in a press release. “Term limits will put an end to politics-as-usual in Washington, help restore a citizen legislature, and encourage elected officials to do what’s best for their constituents, instead of special interests.”

Representative Holding’s statement pointed to a recent survey which found that 82% of voters support a Constitutional amendment for congressional term limits like the one he has proposed.

“It’s time for elected officials to start making a difference, not a career,” said Representative Holding.

Representative Holding was first elected in 2012 and is currently serving his third term. Under his proposed amendment, he would have three more terms before being required to retire.

The full text of the proposed amendment can be viewed HERE.

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A.P. Dillon is a reporter at Battleground State News. Follow A.P. Dillon on Twitter. Email Tips to [email protected]
Photo “George Holding” by George Holding. 







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2 Thoughts to “North Carolina Congressman George Holding Proposes Term Limits Amendment”

  1. Susan E Gingrich

    Term limits was part of the Contract with America, but needless to say that part went no where federally. It won’t until we the people get active and demand it. The best chance we have is with Trump as president. Go back and look at the Contract of America. It was powerful and effective. Newt was the Rebel needed to change Congress and America then. Elected republican politicians, especially in the Swamp, are too PC now to ever repeat what happened in 1994. They would probably censure a member for using the word Rebel! #Patriots Reborn

  2. Thomas

    Include “NO RETIREMENT” pay for servicing in Congress/Senate as well.
