North Carolina Leaked Commission Email: It’s Not False to Call Police ‘Home-Grown Terrorists’

Charlotte City Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield, who called police “home-grown terrorists,” was notified by Governor Cooper’s office on Wednesday that she is off the North Carolina’s Human Relations Commission (HRC).

A short letter was sent to Mayfield from William McKinney, Cooper’s Chief Legal Counsel informing the councilwoman that her appointment was rescinded immediately so that the commission could do its work “without distraction.”

“Spox for Gov. Cooper:  The Governor values law enforcement and recognizes that more must be done to build meaningful respect and understanding between law enforcement and communities,” tweeted Joe Bruno, a reporter with WSOC9.

But the problems with Roy Cooper’s appointments to the HRC aren’t ending with Mayfield.

In an email leaked exclusively to Battleground State News, a member of North Carolina’s HRC says that fellow Commissioner LaWana Mayfield isn’t wrong to call police “home-grown terrorists.”

The HRC is tasked by state statute with the promotion of “understanding, respect, and goodwill among all citizens.”

The email discusses calls for Governor Cooper to reconsider LaWana Mayfield’s appointment to the HRC due to her past comments where she called police officers “home-grown terrorists.”

The calls for Mayfield’s removal are “partisan-bullying attack for a statement that no one is calling false regarding home-grown terrorist police…” Toussaint says in the email.

Toussaint then suggested Mayfield’s controversial comments and the call for her removal could be used as a strategy.

“I believe we need to come up with a position on this that is both measured and transparent,” wrote Toussaint in the email.

“I, for starters, will support this commissioner in this single situation. But we must stand together as a commission on what steps are in the best interests of HRC,” Toussaint wrote.

The email is from Romain Toussaint, an Assistant District Attorney in Charlotte who was appointed to the HRC by Roy Cooper in April of 2018.

Toussaint is known for between police and Black Lives Matter protesters whose protests in Charlotte were turning violent over several days during August of 2016. During those days of protest, four officers were injured, protesters blocked traffic on major highways, fires were set, looting occurred and a civilian was shot by another civilian. Then-Governor McCrory called for a state of emergency and the National Guard were sent in.

The call to reconsider Mayfield’s appointment came from the Charlotte Observer’s Editorial Board. Mayfield responded to the call for her removal by the paper by claiming the paper was attacking her based on the fact she is black.

Mayfield has not apologized for calling police “home-grown terrorists” or other controversial items that include 9/11 conspiracy theories. Instead, Mayfield went on the offense by using her race and gender as shields to avoid public criticism.

The person responsible for vetting commission and board candidates for Governor Cooper is Kathryn Hendrickson who was hired as Deputy Director of Boards and Commissions just weeks after Cooper took office.

Prior to being hired at Boards and Commissions, Kathryn Hendrickson worked for the Governor-Elect Transition Office as a ‘transition aide’, the Hillary for America campaign, and her father’s business, Lookout Ventures, Inc.

Both of Kathryn Hendrickson’s parents, Tom and Jill Hendrickson, have been appointed to certain boards and commissions.

On December 12, 2017, Governor Cooper appointed Tom Hendrickson to the Global Transpark Authority. Tom Hendrickson would also be appointed by Cooper to the Marine Fisheries Commission on August 1, 2018.

Jill Hendrickson was appointed to the Tryon Place Commission on November 30, 2017.

Tom Hendrickson gave Roy Cooper’s 2016 campaign the maximum donation of $5,100. Since 2000, Tom Hendrickson has donated $15,100 to the election campaigns involving Roy Cooper.

Hendrickson is the leader of a 501(c)4 dark money group called “Moving NC Forward.”  The group touts a board of high level, long-time NC Democratic Party donors. Two of Moving NC Forward’s board members also were affiliated with Roy Cooper’s past campaigns.

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A.P. Dillon is the North Carolina Bureau Chief for The Tennesee Star and a reporter at Battleground State News. Follow A.P. Dillon on Twitter. Email Tips to [email protected].

Photo “Romain Touissant” by Appalachian State University. Background Photo “North Carolina Capitol” by Chanilim714. CC BY-SA 3.0.







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