North Carolina Speaker Invites President Trump to Deliver State of the Union in Raleigh

Raleigh, North Carolina — Speaker of the North Carolina House Tim Moore has invited President Trump to deliver his State of the Union (SOTU) remarks in Raleigh.

Moore’s invitation comes on the heels of the U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi canceling the President’s SOTU speech.

“Dear Mr. President,  It is my sincere pleasure as the Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives to invite you to deliver your second State of the Union Address in our chamber of this state’s General Assembly,” wrote Speaker Moore.

“The majestic character of our state House chamber and the splendor of North Carolina’s breathtaking landscapes are a fitting venue to deliver your second State of the Union address,” Moore wrote.

Speaker Moore wrote to President Trump that he is always welcome in North Carolina and that in the past, President Bill Clinton had given an address at the North Carolina General Assembly.

“The President of the United States is always welcome in the Old North State, where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great. In fact, President Bill Clinton addressed a joint session of the North Carolina General Assembly here on March 13, 1997,” Speaker Moore wrote to President Trump in the invitation.

Read Speaker Moore’s full invitation to President Trump:

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A.P. Dillon is the North Carolina bureau chief for The Tennessee Star and a reporter at Battleground State News. Follow A.P. Dillon on Twitter. Email Tips to [email protected]













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9 Thoughts to “North Carolina Speaker Invites President Trump to Deliver State of the Union in Raleigh”

  1. mw morgan

    lets see if old Nan can get rid of the President, and then Pence she can then be the first woman President of the USA. she does need to hurry so she will have time to complete the rest of Trump term. she is thinking and acting like she is already president Trump is a wonderful President She could never fill shoes.

  2. […] Dillon, the North Carolina bureau chief of The Tennessee Star, broke the story Friday […]

  3. […] Dillon, the North Carolina bureau chief of The Tennessee Star, broke the story Friday […]

  4. Bettie Mills

    Pelosi does not have authority over the President.
    The President does not need Pelosi to give her permissio to give the SOTU in the House Chambrr.

  5. John Bumpus

    President Trump is President of the Nation, and not just President of the States that support him. I will assume that NC means well, but if the President were to do such a thing, I think that his action would not be seen as beneficial but as detrimental–it would be seen as merely a stunt.

    President Trump should give the SOTU from the U. S. Capitol, and if Pelosi will not allow it to be given from the House of Representatives Chamber, then the President should give the speech from the Senate Chamber. The House Chamber seats more than four times the number of people that the Senate Chamber seats. That means that many Dems would have to watch the speech on t.v.–gee, that would be too bad, wouldn’t it?

    1. Bettie Mills

      Pelosi has no authority over the Ptrsideny.and can not tell him he can’t give a speech in the House.

  6. Mary

    Awesome! EVERY State should ask!

  7. […] North Carolina Speaker Invites President Trump to Deliver State of the Union in Raleigh […]
