OFF THE RECORD: Post-Election Video Highlights Errors of Pollsters and Media in 2018 Tennessee Senate Coverage


How can so many be so consistently wrong?

Poll after poll, and pundit after pundit, claimed that the Bredesen-Blackburn Tennessee Senate race was “close.” It was consistently portrayed as one of the best opportunities for the Democrats to flip a Red seat to Blue in the mid-term elections. But when voters actually cast their votes, as opposed to pollsters calling a few hundred people who were often targeted for calls based upon flawed data, Marsha Blackburn earned the title of “Senator” by a 10.8 percent margin, leaving pollsters red-faced and Democrats despondent.

An East Tennessee State University poll released just days before the Election claimed the race was a 44-44% dead heat.  Vanderbilt said the battle was a “tossup” and had Bredesen leading by one in mid October.

Real Clear Politics moved the race from “lean GOP” to “tossup” on November 5 — the day before the election! They only missed it by double digits.

A new video compilation is making the rounds that underscores how so many “experts” couldn’t see what was actually happening in Tennessee. Despite the best efforts of the pollsters, establishment media and some consultants to undercut the Blackburn campaign at every turn, SENATOR Blackburn prevailed.

Although the various political science departments, polling companies and pundits won’t remind you of their consistently flawed polling processes, questionable data and woefully inaccurate assessments during the next election cycle…we will.








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2 Thoughts to “OFF THE RECORD: Post-Election Video Highlights Errors of Pollsters and Media in 2018 Tennessee Senate Coverage”

  1. […] We made that promise on November 9, 2018 after Blackburn won the U.S. Senate race against Democratic former Gov. Phil Bredesen by double digits. Blackburn handily won retiring U.S. Sen. Bob Corker’s Republican-held seat by a 10.8 percent margin. […]

  2. Francis elan

    Congratulations to Tennessee for their support of your newly elected officials. All but one deserves an applaud. The State Representative needs to be required to resign the position for negative, faulse statements.

    No one with LL you, know who who , mentality should hold office in any start in the union.
