Once a Cable News Darling, Dr. Fauci Now Relegated to Local TV and YouTube Broadcasts

by Debra Heine


Until very recently, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci was a fixture on cable news, but all of a sudden, he’s all but disappeared from public view.

This has not gone unnoticed on social media.


Perhaps not coincidentally, Fauci’s disappearance seems to coincide with polling that shows Americans are fed up with COVID-Mania and ready to move on.

Democrat polling firm Impact Research last week advised fellow Dems to put the kibosh on the hysteria and pretend they fixed the problem ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

“Declare the crisis phase of COVID over and push for feeling and acting more normal,” the memo instructed Democrats. “Because of President Biden and Democrats, we CAN safely return to life feeling much more normal – and they should claim that proudly.”

The White House quickly unveiled a new pandemic plan to move America away from crisis driven shutdowns and school closures, and toward  “unity.”

“Let’s stop seeing each other as enemies,” Joe Biden said during his State of the Union speech on Tuesday. For the first time in months, he didn’t deploy his “pandemic of the unvaccinated” talking points while discussing his COVID-19 plans.

The always in crisis-mode Fauci also appears to have been sidelined due to the regime’s new “let’s get back to normal” agenda.

“Dr. Science” hasn’t disappeared entirely. He can still be found on local news shows, and obscure YouTube broadcasts, according to independent journalist Jordan Schachtel on Substack.

“He recently appeared on an online streaming show called “Woke AF” (As F**K), in which he expressed his disdain for the unvaccinated,” Schachtel reported.

In a clip featured by the show host on Twitter, Fauci rants that the unvaccinated have no respect for greater society. Fauci, who comes off as a broken man, channeled plenty of his regular pseudoscience, claiming that the unvaccinated “give the virus the opportunity to circulate among us.”

The lifelong bureaucrat also recently appeared on a local D.C. television channel Nexstar, Schachtel found. During this appearance, Fauci said the government needs more “money now” for vaccine clinical trials.


In another recent local TV hit, Fauci seemed to go rogue with a message directly contradicting the regime’s new “let’s get back to normal” narrative.   “I don’t think people should get the impression that we’re saying that this is all over,” Fauci told the host. “We’re going to be dealing with SARS-CoV-2 for quite a while.”

Fauci also appeared on a a YouTube comedy show in late February to answer questions about COVID-19, according to Schachtel, who added: “No, there was no comedy involved.”

The COVID Task Force still exists, but interest in it appears to be waning:

The other day, the White House COVID Task Force did a livestream social media presentation, featuring Fauci, on the steps ahead with COVID-19. Demonstrating Americans’ clear lack of interest in COVID Mania, the stream only accumulated about 7,000 views.

And that’s it. In the past couple of weeks, the former news darling has not appeared on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, or NBC. Because Democrats are in damage control mode ahead of the 2022 midterms, the scandal-plagued bureaucrat has been unceremoniously pushed to the side.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Dr. Anthony Fauci” by Trump White House Archived.









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One Thought to “Once a Cable News Darling, Dr. Fauci Now Relegated to Local TV and YouTube Broadcasts”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Dr. Fauci along with Bill Gates belongs in prison. There is a paper trail.
