One Nation Airs Ad Urging Alexander and Blackburn to Make the Trump Tax Cuts Permanent

One Nation Ad

One Nation, a 501 (c) (4) public policy organization, has launched a $1.2 million ad buy in Tennessee focused on tax reform. The ads are currently running statewide on a combination of broadcast and cable television, radio and digital.

The ad, entitled “Tax Cuts,” discusses the positive impact that the recently passed tax reform legislation is having on small businesses and Tennessee’s unemployment rate. It highlights U.S. Rep Marsha Blackburn and Senator Lamar Alexander’s initial vote to cut taxes and urges them to make the tax cuts permanent.

“Tennessee is experiencing record low unemployment thanks to Marsha Blackburn and Lamar Alexander’s vote in favor of tax reform,” said One Nation President and CEO Steven Law. “We encourage Blackburn and Alexander to keep fighting for Tennessee taxpayers by voting to make the tax cuts permanent.” Law is former Chief of Staff for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Transcript of ad “Tax Cuts”:

ANNOUNCER: “Small business, the backbone of America’s economy. Nobody knows that better than Representative Marsha Blackburn and Senator Lamar Alexander. Blackburn and Alexander cut taxes for small businesses. Now Tennessee’s unemployment rate is at a record low.

BLACKBURN: “The economic growth that you are seeing in Tennessee is just really so significant. And people like the fact that the tax cuts are working. They want to see more of them.”

ANNOUNCER: “Call and urge Marsha Blackburn and Lamar Alexander to make Trump’s tax cuts permanent.”

Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill points out that the ad clearly has two purposes. “First they want to remind people of the benefits b being felt from the Trump tax cuts, that passed without a single Democrat vote in the House or Senate, and which Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want to REPEAL rather than make permanent. Second, they want to tie Marsha to Lamar, who is not up for reelection this year, in order to help motivate the more moderate Republicans in the state to get behind Marsha, just like Lamar has done.”

Unemployment is down in Tennessee and across the country, and at record lows for African Americans and Hispanics, plus wages are increasing thanks to the dramatic growth we are seeing in the economy since Trump was elected and the tax cuts passed, Gill adds. “I expect the next round of ads from One Nation or other groups to make it clear that the benefits of those tax cuts can be quickly erased — and any additional cuts blocked — if New York Senator Chuck Schumer takes control of the Senate thanks to the election of Democrats like Phil Bredesen.”






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