Over 100 Former Staffers Under Bush 43, McCain and Romney Endorse Biden for President

by Andrew Trunsky


Over 100 former staffers for former President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mitt Romney endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president Thursday, Politico reported.

“What unites us now is a deep conviction that four more years of a Trump presidency will morally bankrupt this country, irreparably damage our democracy, and permanently transform the Republican party into a toxic personality cult,” Romney Alumni for Biden said in an open letter.

Thirty-four former staffers from the Utah Republican’s 2012 presidential campaign signed the letter, Politico reported.

Over 100 former McCain staffers also endorsed Biden in an open letter saying, “Given the incumbent’s lack of competent leadership, his efforts to aggravate rather than bridge divisions among Americans, and his failure to uphold American values, we believe the election of former Vice President Biden is clearly in the national interest.”

One of the organizers of the letter was Arizona Republican’s longtime speechwriter, Mark Salter, The New York Times reported.

“We have different views of Joe Biden and the Democratic party platform – most of us disagree with a fair amount of it – but we all agree that getting Donald Trump out of office is clearly in the national interest,” Salter told the NYT.

Twenty-one former staffers for George W. Bush also published an open letter saying “Over the past four years we, as a nation, have struggled with truth. Conspiracy theories have been legitimized and facts have been dismissed.”

“As former public servants, we believe that decency in government must not be allowed to die on the vine. We must take a stand and insist that it returns to the Office of the President,” the letter added.

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Andrew Trunsky is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Joe Biden” by Joe Biden.







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6 Thoughts to “Over 100 Former Staffers Under Bush 43, McCain and Romney Endorse Biden for President”

  1. Dave

    Bye-bye never-Trumper losers, the G.O.P. doesn’t need any more Romneys, McCains, Kasichs, or any other traitor RINO’s, so the Marxist Left is more than welcome to add you to their dwindling numbers. You know where you can shove your Commie hammer & sickle banner?

  2. Tee

    Does anyone really care?

  3. 83ragtop50

    This only reveals who they truly are and that their loyalties lie with globalists not America. I am honestly glad that they have chosen to come out of the RINO closest to expose themselves.

    1. Ron Welch

      The Bush’s and the Clinton’s were tight going back at least to the late 1980’s. But so were the Bush’s with Obama and the CIA, that is, Barry Soetoro. In this very interesting approximately 8 min video clip, retired Tennessee Judge, Joe Brown, gives some background:


  4. Ron Welch

    The globalists will definitely always “circle the wagons”. Most any pro-American idea that contradicts their agenda is labeled as a “conspiracy theory” so that open political discourse is discredited, suppressed and eliminated.

  5. Traditional Thinker

    What they really mean to say is they’re losing their swamp lands due to the Trump administration. National interest had almost been completely destroyed under previous administrations. Thank God Trump got in when he did. The Bush dynasty was pushing NWO the entire time while the dems were letting all the other nations rape our country. To say that you only disagree with a fair amount of communism yet welcome it at all speaks volumes about your religious,moral, or constitutional values. Four more years are exactly what this country needs. It’s sad you didnt have the strength or character to do what our President has done.
