Pelosi Claims ‘Faith-Oriented’ Lawmakers Say They ‘Don’t Believe in Science’

by Mary Margaret Olohan


Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Monday that “faith-oriented” people in Congress have told her they “don’t believe in science.”

The California Democrat spoke Monday on the house floor where she discussed coronavirus relief and the recently approved vaccines, accusing the White House of spreading “quackery” notions of herd immunity.

“So now we have a vaccine, and that gives us hope,” Pelosi said. “A vaccine that springs from science. People say around here sometimes, ‘I’m faith-oriented so I don’t believe in science.’ And I say, well, you can do both.”

“Science is an answer to our prayers,” Pelosi said. “And our prayers have been answered with a vaccine.”

Speaker Pelosi did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

She often references her Catholic faith as a motivating factor in her political positions and sparked a backlash in December 2019 when she was asked if she hated President Donald Trump.

“I don’t hate anybody,” she said. “As a Catholic, I resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone … So, don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that.”

Critics have pointed out that Pelosi’s faith is at odds with several of her political stances, particularly on her support for abortion, which the Catholic Church calls a “crime against human life.”

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.











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6 Thoughts to “Pelosi Claims ‘Faith-Oriented’ Lawmakers Say They ‘Don’t Believe in Science’”

  1. William Delzell

    Re: Gordon Shumway:

    William Barr is also a PSEUDO-Catholic when he carried out those executions at Terre Haute, IN, against the Pope’s teachings. Talk about religious hypocrisy!

  2. William Delzell

    My advice to fundamentalists: Don’t mess with Science as it will always win out at the end.

  3. Gordon Shumway

    what a find especially offensive is that both pelosi and biden are allowed to call themselves catholic when they are 100% pro-infanticide

  4. Tim Price

    San Fran Nan hates Christians pure and simple. She hates a lot of people especially Conservatives who object to her crooked ways. She believes in killing the unborn, and the born as well, who are all made in God’s image.

  5. LM

    When science has been made to be whatever anybody pulls out of their bunghole , then you get the ” fact checkers” who want to put up whatever they pull out of their bungholes , then no- people are not going ” follow the science”. I’m so sick if hearing that phrase I could throw up.

    1. Deplorable Bay Stater

      As a scientist, what I find especially offensive is that most if not all of these people who are constantly shooting off their mouths about “following the science” don’t even know what science is and have zero understanding of the scientific method. And an unacceptable number of people who call themselves scientists seem not to understand that a true scientist is rarely if ever certain about anything (because he/she knows that all of our knowledge is incomplete and therefore subject to revision) and is also willing to admit that they were wrong (without which there can be no learning and no progress). Too many of these pseudo-scientists are too sure of themselves and resent anyone challenging them (which a real scientist would welcome, because that’s how we advance our knowledge).

      One of the clues to watch for is the use of the term “settled science” which is an oxymoron because science is by definition unsettled. Anyone who uses this term, or who claims that something must be true because a “consensus of scientists” agrees with it is most assuredly NOT a scientist and isn’t even qualified to comment on any scientific matter.
