Permanent Rainbow Crosswalk Coming to East Nashville

Gay Pride Cross Walk

Nashville’s first rainbow crosswalk will be painted at the intersection of 14th St and Woodland St at the end of this month, the Metro Nashville LGBTQ Caucus announced on Tuesday.

The permanent crosswalk will be painted by a group of volunteers on June 29 at 9:00 a.m. The Caucus said approximately 100 volunteers will be needed.

The crosswalk was approved after a collaboration between the Metro Nashville LGBTQ Caucus, the Nashville Department of Transportation, Metro Nashville Councilmember Clay Capp, and Nashville Pride.

The crosswalk was deliberately planned to be placed near the lesbian-owned LGBTQ bar, The Lipstick Lounge, in East Nashville.

“This has been on many people’s minds for a long time. We’ve been working on it as a Caucus over the past few months and are thrilled to bring it to fruition,” Metro Nashville Council LGBTQ Caucus Chair and District 7 Council Member Emily Benedict said at a press conference.

“It is historic for our city in one of our most historic locations, outside one of the most iconic lesbian-owned establishments in the country,” Benedict added.

At-Large Council Member Olivia Hill, a biological male who identifies as a transgender female, was among those who applauded the crosswalk’s approval.

In recent years, rainbow crosswalks have been painted in cities across the nation during June to “celebrate” the LGBTQ community.

Nashville’s crosswalk will be painted to “close out Pride Month” in the city, which is set to host a two-day festival this weekend at Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park.

The pride festival will host a parade on Saturday with a float representing a Tennessee group of “furries” called MurfreesFurs, as previously reported by The Tennessee Star.

The festival will also host a “YouthZone” during the two-day event to provide “activities” for children who attend. Drag queens will read books to children at 3:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday for “Drag Storytime with Veronika Electronika & Adhara Bull.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Gay Pride Crosswalk” by bambulshakibaei. CC BY 2.0.






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15 Thoughts to “Permanent Rainbow Crosswalk Coming to East Nashville”

  1. M

    Are there not standards and regulations for crosswalk markers?

  2. GregSchmitty

    Never forget it was a “Reagan Conservative” Anthony Kennedy who is the father of this filth.


    Rather than reducing the number of Council Districts, the Real Monster is Mandatory Term Limits on our Council.
    The Metro Council is the Legislative Body for Metro Davidson County. That means it’s ” the Peoples Voice”.
    We hire “elect” people to vote their Constituents voice. In 1990, a progressive mayor Phil Bredesen, along with Progressive John Seiganthaler ( owner of the Tennessean) convinced Lazy Voters that the way to “FIX” the Council is to limit the Peoples’ ability to keep Great Council Reps in office. The executive Branch (the Mayor & the bureaucrats) could not control the Long-term Council Reps, so they needed to convince the People, the best way to get rid of “bad” COUNCIL Reps is just don’t let them run.
    All that did was take away Your Power to hire & fire your elected employees. So you gave your own power away.
    Now the Council members are LAME DUCKS from day one. They have to vote the way the Mayor wants, if they want to get anything done in their Districts. When there were no Mandatiry Term Limits, it was the opposite. The Mayor had to work with the Council to get his projects done.
    Today, you cannot even CALL THE MAYORS OFFICE. IF you want to contact Your Council Rep, you have to leave a VM, & hope you get a return call.
    Not many people will work their ass off for you, if they know they cannot get reelected. BAD FOR VOTERS.

  4. RockyTop

    This is coming from the top and this looks exactly like what they did with the BLM communist movement with painting the streets and forcing this demoralization on Americans.

  5. Sim

    With people FALLING AWAY from GOD and Satan gaining recognition the RAPTURE can’t be far behind.

  6. nicky wicks

    a great use of taxpayer money.

    the most overrepresented group in society, other than trans

  7. Metro Nashville LGBTQ Caucus??????? This is a real thing?

    Gee, I guess they’ve already solved murder, crime, density, impassible roads, graffiti, whack-job protesting, and maybe even Gonorrhea. Time to move on to crosswalks. If they use real blood to paint, maybe they can even make the penalty for destroying it more serious.

    Lastly, what happens if you are a cross-dresser and use the crosswalk – does the thing light up, or something? Maybe a free gift basket?

  8. Rhonda Miller

    Totally agree!!!! Ridiculous!

  9. D.J.

    Disgusting and vile. Resist the Satanic Sodomarchy.

  10. Tim Price

    Nashville Mayir and Council kissing up to evil earning Nashville the accurate name of the Pit of Hell!

  11. Kari R.

    Bump in the rump used to be coined sexual assault on a minor. Fast forward: Tyrants OBH (ohamas/biden/harris) declare it’s a felony if you don’t allow your young tot to be rim raped by the rainbow mafia.
    Juneteenth cancels itself out. Black slavery is bad, then add, celebrate and rejoice over sexual slavery as good?
    “Limitless freedom, freedom to be and do what the individual desires, which is evil, according to Scripture, is not freedom at all. It is slavery in its purest, most sinister, and oppressive form (John 8:34).”
    Rainbow month of misery is really about celebrating satan.
    Choose your demons (demoncrats) wisely as they will be inducted by the sinister senators as your fairy step monster.

  12. Sir Douglas

    I have had many gay friends, but this is absurd. This is a marginal group who wish to impose their will on the majority.

    One party government loses touch with reality. It is clear in this case. Freddie is a Failure!

  13. Steve Allen

    Don’t driver over it or you will be accused of a hate crime.

  14. Highland Rim Speedway

    June29 9am got it
    start a betting pool, how many hours/seconds until the first dragster burnouts,
    afterall this is Tennessee, so 5, ten dollars a square ?

  15. R. Davidson

    Metro council and our mayor wasting tax money as usual. Hopefully we can reduce the size of this group soon. Most everything done in this city is for three groups every time.
