Pfizer CEO Calls for Another Booster Shot for All Americans

by Eric Lendrum


On Sunday, the chief executive officer of Pfizer said that Americans should be prepared to receive a second booster shot of the Coronavirus vaccine, which would mark the fourth overall shot that has been forced on the American public.

As reported by Politico, Albert Bourla made his remarks in an interview with CBS’ Margaret Brennan, where he said that his company was preparing to submit “a significant package of data about the need for a fourth dose” to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“The protection that you are getting from the third [shot], it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths,” Bourla said. “It’s not that good against infections, but doesn’t last very long. But we are just submitting those data to the FDA, and then we will see what the experts also will say outside Pfizer.”

The Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19, which requires two different shots, was first approved in late 2020. A third shot produced by the same company, known as a booster, was authorized by the FDA in September. However, there had been contradicting rhetoric from the Biden White House and the private sector; when Pfizer first recommended the original booster shot, the Biden Administration initially disagreed with the idea of a booster before reversing course and approving it.

“I think right now we need to be very well-coordinated — CDC, FDA and the industry — so that we are all providing to the American people and to the world a cohesive picture rather than confusion,” Bourla continued. But he emphasized his belief that the United States needs to “very diligently stay ahead of the virus,” even though the height of the pandemic appears to have passed.

Bourla also promised during the interview that if the second booster is approved, then “we can go back to, really, the way we used to live.”

The coronavirus has spiked twice under Biden’s watch: First in early- and mid-2021 due to the rise of the India Variant, also known as the Delta Variant. Then, just as Delta seemed to subside, a new variant known as the South Africa Variant, or the Omicron Variant, peaked in early 2022.

Despite the Biden Administration’s insistence of strict measures such as further lockdowns and vaccine requirements, such policies have become so widely unpopular that the vast majority of states have begun lifting nearly all restrictions. Biden’s attempt to force a vaccine mandate on all private businesses with 100 or more employees was struck down by the Supreme Court earlier this year.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22). He is currently a co-host of The Right Take podcast.
Photo “Pfizer Vaccine” by Marco Verch Professional Photographer. CC BY 2.0.









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4 Thoughts to “Pfizer CEO Calls for Another Booster Shot for All Americans”

  1. 83ragtop50

    He can take his “vaccine” and jab it you know where.

  2. Traditional Thinker

    Maybe it’s a serum to counteract the death shot (vaccine) millions have already taken so that liability claims will drop. Or possibly it’s a way to spread more contaigen for the purpose of generating another round of shutdowns further breaking the country. My guess would be that the estimated number of deaths needed for population control hasn’t been met with the first three or four rounds, meaning the blood isn’t clotting fast enough as to kill individuals off in an adequate measure of time. Maybe the answer is d. All the above. Remember sheople, why would the government care so much about preserving your life, while at the same time brutally murdering unborn babies without blinking an eye? Use your head….

  3. Steve Allen

    Of course he does. Think about the millions of dollars the pharmaceutical industry made from the needless deaths and suffering from the CHINESE VIRUS. This is the greatest crime against humanity in my lifetime. And the worst part is that all of the people responsible (politicians, “scientists”, CEOs, etc.) will get off without being punished, their consequence is that they got much richer.

  4. Dr Ken

    Really? And with a “straight face” the CEO of Pfizer is calling for Americans to have a vaccination boost with a product his company just happens to sell? Next fall will be another booster, then another, then another? Enough with the greed, enough with the misinformation. Albert Bourla, let me borrow from the words and thoughts of many, we say “Let’s Go Brandon” of course meaning FJB. Well, FAB, the answer is no.
