Phil Berger, Jr. to Run for North Carolina Supreme Court Seat

North Carolina Court of Appeals Judge Phil Berger, Jr., announced that he would like to run for a seat on North Carolina Supreme Court in 2020.

Phil Berger, Jr. is the son of one of the most powerful lawmakers in the state, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger (R-D30).

Judge Berger made the announcement on his Facebook page Monday morning and specifically mentioned Associate Justice Paul Newby’s seat.

“The purpose of this letter is [to] let you know that I am interested in running for Justice Newby’s seat on the Supreme Court,” wrote Judge Berger in the post.

The full text of Berger’s Facebook post is below:

Dear Friends,

I am sure you have heard that Chief Justice Mark Martin, a faithful North Carolina servant, will be resigning. Chief Justice Martin’s departure will leave a noticeable void on our Supreme Court. We are fortunate that Senior Associate Justice Paul Newby has already indicated his willingness to be our next Chief Justice. Justice Newby’s seat will now be an open seat for the 2020 election.

The purpose of this letter is let you know that I am interested in running for Justice Newby’s seat on the Supreme Court.

In 2016, thanks to your generous support and the votes of more than 2.2 million North Carolinians, we were able to defeat an incumbent judge and win a seat on the Court of Appeals. If we run for the Supreme Court, Jodie and I will need your help again.

During my time on the Court of Appeals, I have emphasized accountability, adherence to the rule of law, and common sense solutions to complex legal issues. Importantly, I understand that every decision we make in the courtroom has real economic consequences for individuals, businesses, and communities.

If you think we need a conservative justice on the Supreme Court who is dedicated to the Constitution and the people of this State, please let me know. I look forward to speaking with you about this important decision.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement.


Associate Justice Newby has said that he will run for the Chief Justice position that will be vacated by Chief Justice Mark Martin, who is leaving to take a post at a Virginia Law school.

Martin’s abrupt resignation sent shock waves through the judicial and political communities in the state. It also opens the door for more open seats on the states’ top court in upcoming elections.

The number will depend on whether Governor Cooper chooses to elevate a current justice or choose someone from outside the court. The decision can put one, two or possibly even three seats may be up for grabs in the November 2020 state elections.

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A.P. Dillon is the North Carolina Bureau Chief for The Tennesee Star and a reporter at Battleground State News. Follow A.P. Dillon on Twitter. Email Tips to [email protected].
Photo “Phil Berger Jr.” by Phil Berger Jr.
Background Photo “North Carolina Supreme Court” by Alexisrael. CC BY-SA 3.0. 







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