Phil Bredesen Gave Big Bucks to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign

Phil Bredesen and Hillary Clinton

While Democrat Phil Bredesen wants people to believe he’s not running to oppose President Donald Trump’s reform agenda in Washington, details have emerged indicating he did that very thing by opening his wallet in a big way to Hillary Clinton when she was running against Trump in 2016.

As the Nashville Post reports, both Bredesen and his wife Andrea Conte made significant contributions “to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and PACs that supported her race. (Bredesen gave $33,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund PAC, and Conte donated $2,700 To Hillary For America and $10,000 to the pro-Clinton Ready PAC.)”

In fact, Bredesen’s contributions to Hillary Clinton and her various entities in 2016–$46,100– all but amounted to the median household income for Tennessee that year, $48,547, according to Google.

Asked about the developments, Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said, “Over the next six months Phil Bredesen will wage a Trojan horse operation to try to slip into a Senate seat from Tennessee by pretending to be something he is not. Unfortunately, for Bredesen, his $68,000 contribution to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign efforts put a giant ‘I’m With Her’ bumper sticker on that Trojan horse that Tennessee voters will not be able to ignore.”

Added Gill, “Those contributions, combined with the fact that liberal New York Senator Chuck Schumer recruited Bredesen to run and will pull his strings if he wins should enable Marsha Blackburn to reveal his true colors in the months ahead.”

As CNN also reported, “national Democrats were elated when the former governor (Bredesen) jumped in the race,” lending significant support to the notion that Democrat Chuck Schumer himself recruited Bredesen to oppose conservative Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07).

Bredesen in unopposed in the August 2 Democratic primary, and Blackburn is unopposed in the GOP primary on the same date. recently designated Tennessee as one of the six hottest Senate races in 2018.

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10 Thoughts to “Phil Bredesen Gave Big Bucks to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign”

  1. […] all of the President’s supporters – over 1.5 million Tennesseans –  ‘idiots.’ Phil gave $33,400 to Hillary Clinton in the hopes she would defeat Donald Trump. Phil Bredesen has received millions […]

  2. […] and Democratic Party nominee Phil Bredesen is working overtime to distance himself from his huge donations to liberal Democratic political candidates, including over $44,000 to help elect Hillary Clinton.  […]

  3. […] Bredesen, the Democrat nominee for the Senate facing Republican Marsha Blackburn, donated over $40,000 to elect Clinton to the White House.  The Blackburn team is likely to repeatedly remind voters of […]

  4. Bill Smith

    Can’t support Phil after learning how much he wanted to get Hillary Clinton elected.

  5. Brian McMurphy

    Centrist in the streets. Leftist in the sheets.

  6. James L. Hammontree

    He was a terrible governor. I am a retired State of Tennessee employee and I know a lot about his administration.

  7. Ned T.

    I can never vote for someone who supported that criminal. Bredeson is pond scum.

  8. Steve L.

    Great picture! It reveals the truth about Bredesen. One of those pictures that are truly worth a thousand words!

  9. Floyd

    Have the Predators endorsed him yet?

  10. Bob

    I am hoping that the polls that show Phil Bredesen ahead in anyway, were taken in Nashville or at UT. No true Tennessean would support such a far left idiot to rep Tennessee. Look at Nashville’s problems now and attribute them to Phil Bredesen.
