Police Records Show Keith Ellison Abused Another Woman In 2005

Al Franken, Keith Ellison

Records from a 2005 911 call reveal that Rep. Keith Ellison allegedly abused yet another woman, though the story has been swept under the rug by Minnesota’s media.

In early August, Ellison, who vacated his safe seat in Congress to run for Minnesota’s attorney general, faced new accusations from his ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan that the former congressman forcibly dragged her off a bed while shouting obscenities. Monahan claims there is video of the incident, but has yet to release any evidence.

A similar story dating back to 2005 started to resurface on social media after Monahan came forward, though this time there was hard evidence. Police records reveal that an “Ellison/Keith/BM/41” was reported in 2005 for assaulting a woman. Ellison was born in 1963, which would mean he was 41 in 2005.

The woman who allegedly made the call, Amy Alexander, later related her experiences with Ellison in a 2006 article for The Wright County Republican, whose publisher told The Conservative Tribune that none of the local newspapers wanted to interview her.

“In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited. We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police,” she wrote, saying she has “never been so scared.”

Alexander, who met Ellison through her work with the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party, goes on to apologize for becoming romantically involved with the congressman, who was married at the time.

When Alexander attempted to “stand up to” Ellison, he began a “smear campaign” against her by publicly speaking about her “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and panic attacks.”

“Ellison is a man on a quest for power and national prominence; a man with deep ties to some pretty scary people. I feared for my life and for the safety of my daughter,” Alexander continues, noting that Ellison’s people had “preemptively distributed information to the press suggesting” that she was “insane.”

Ellison eventually filed a restraining order against Alexander in an attempt to “ban [her] from public places” and “prohibit” her from “the Urban League and the State Office Building.” Alexander responded by filing a harassment restraining order of her own, but it was denied.

“No one gains anything in the battle for dignity and respect by passively endorsing abuse,” her 2005 article concludes. “Not now. Not ever.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].








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21 Thoughts to “Police Records Show Keith Ellison Abused Another Woman In 2005”

  1. […] DNC Deputy Chairman and current Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison. This included a 2005 911 call, and most recently, allegations stemming from a 2016 incident. No confusion about when these […]

  2. […] DNC Deputy Chairman and current Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison. This included a 2005 911 call, and most recently, allegations stemming from a 2016 incident. No confusion about when these […]

  3. […] DNC Deputy Chairman and current Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison. This included a 2005 911 call, and most recently, allegations stemming from a 2016 incident. No confusion about when these […]

  4. Molly Carson

    I know Amy and she told me about this shortly after it happened. Keith Ellison is a puke.

  5. Anna brocchini

    Oh but that’s ok to hv this pos in office. Domestic violence is not ok in fact we spend millions a year offering counseling and programs against the bull shit! 😡

  6. […] others. Additionally, there is at least one other assault allegation against Ellison noted in a 2005 police report by another […]

  7. Mary W

    There’s one way to stop him, and only one. Don’t vote him in. Period. And I am a Democrat.

  8. MaryKay Winkelman

    I am ashamed to say I’m from MN, when creeps like this make it into a government position. Just because he is a Dem does not give him a free ride when it comes to sexual, physical abuse. Make hiim accountable for his abusive actions NOW!

  9. Murphy

    He’s another piece of trash. When will he be called in front of the senate??

  10. Lorraine F Woolridge


  11. Bill

    #WALKAWAY from the Democrats. WalkAwayMarch.com

  12. Mike Brasher

    I like Todd’s idea. Post the police report on a billboard, every public supermarket bulletin board, placards on buses & taxis, bus stops, train stations, etc.
    Sabo, unsavoryagents.com, is great for these things.

  13. Todd plante

    Someone ought to make a highway billboard with this police report 🤔

    1. MaryKay Winkelman

      Yes! Have to have a way to expose this creep!

  14. Anna Salerno

    No surprise here. Ellison is a lying liberal muslim!

  15. Bill

    So where’s the gals/feminists of the #metoo movement? Oh that’s right, liberals have immunity.

    1. Eric Rearden

      Yes, it is reprehensible that Democrat men dont face the same degree of public humiliation and accusation as do Republicans.
