President Trump: Mattis Leaving at the End of February

President Trump said in a duo of tweets Thursday afternoon that Defense Secretary James Mattis will leave the administration early next year.

“General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration as Secretary of Defense for the past two years,” he tweeted, adding:

During Jim’s tenure, tremendous progress has been made, especially with respect to the purchase of new fighting equipment. General Mattis was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations. A new Secretary of Defense will be named shortly. I greatly thank Jim for his service!

The president’s announcement comes on the heels of his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria, fulfilling a long-standing campaign promise.






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One Thought to “President Trump: Mattis Leaving at the End of February”

  1. Habu

    Losing General’s Mattis & Kelly is very disturbing. What is going on in this administration to cause these two outstanding men to resign? Both men are brilliant & dedicated patriots.
    Trump is foolish to let these two men leave his administration.
