Progressive Dems Pressure Biden to Pass Build Back Better Using Executive Authority

by Debra Heine


Left-wing Democrats are pressuring Joe Biden to bypass Congress and pass his $1.75 trillion Build Back Better package by executive fiat, Newsmax reported.

Without Senator Joe Manchin’s (D-W.V.) vote, Biden’s bloated social spending plan is dead on arrival in the Senate.

“The Progressive Caucus will continue to work toward legislation for Build Back Better, focused on keeping it as close to the agreed-upon framework as possible,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post.

Jayapal, a member of the far-left “squad,” chairs the radical Congressional Progressive Caucus, which has ties to several Marxist organizations, including the Communist Party USA.

“At the same time, we are calling on the president to use executive action to immediately improve people’s lives. Taking executive action will also make clear to those who hinder Build Back Better that the White House and Democrats will deliver for Americans,” Jayapal added.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. tweeted earlier this month that Biden “needs to lean on his executive authority now.”

“He has been delaying and underutilizing it so far. There is an enormous amount he can do on climate, student debt, immigration, cannabis, health care, and more. Time is running out – we need to move and use alternative paths,” AOC wrote on Twitter.

In a piece for Fox News, Kevin Walling, a Democratic campaign strategist and former Biden 2020 Campaign Surrogate, recommended using the “pen and phone” strategy if Congress passes a compromised version of the bill, writing, “the Biden administration should work with House and Senate progressives to explore various executive actions that can build on that framework.”

Biden hasn’t indicated one way or another if he is open to using this unconstitutional approach to passing his radical agenda.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.



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One Thought to “Progressive Dems Pressure Biden to Pass Build Back Better Using Executive Authority”

  1. John

    Socialists shredding our Constitution and the balance of powers. All spending must be approved by both chambers of Congress FIRST.
