Protestors Plan Fake News Takedown in Front of Atlanta’s CNN Headquarters


ATLANTA, Georgia – Organizers are scheduled to protest CNN in front of its Atlanta headquarters Saturday at 10 a.m.

Brandon Straka said Thursday that he and other protestors describe the event as a #Walk Away Rescue America rally.

“Basically we will tell our stories of walking away from the Democratic Party, walking away from the left, and we are going to talk about why CNN and other fake news outlets were instrumental in our decision to walk away from the political left,” Straka said.

“We will be naming examples and naming names.”

Scheduled speakers include, among others, political commentator Shemeka Michelle, writer Mike Harlow, and  political commentator Karlyn Borysenko, according to an online flyer.

The Georgia Star News asked Straka to preview what will happen Saturday and what he and other speakers will discuss.

“I trusted sources like CNN. I believed MSNBC. I believed Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. I voted for Hillary Clinton. They convinced me that Donald Trump was a racist and a bigot and a horrible person and that his followers were dangerous and that they were racist. I went on a journey to try to understand how Trump got elected in 2016 because these same outlets also said he had no chance of winning and that Hillary Clinton was going to win in a landslide,” Straka said.

“When I started researching what went so wrong in terms of their prediction and their projection I discovered that they lied about everything. They lied about Trump. They lied about his followers. They took moments out of context like calling all Mexicans racist or mocking a disabled reporter. All of these different things were complete and total media fabrications and lies from the left. I woke up to the reality that I was not being lied to or deceived by Donald Trump. I was being lied to and deceived by CNN and these different media outlets. That began for me the awakening that ultimately led me to walk away from all of them and walk away from the Democratic Party.”

Straka also said that these news sources “exploit fear and manipulate minority communities.”

“Trump doubled the LGBT vote. He doubled the black vote. The fear-mongering and the lies are not working,” Straka said.

“They are bringing people over to our side. And I want to get there and blast the hell out of them and let them know that.”

People interested in attending or participating may learn more information here.

Straka said highly-trained security agents will employ extensive measures to provide safety at the event.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Georgia Star News. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Brandon Straka” by Brandon Straka.








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