Rep. Cohen Says U.S. Must ‘Punish’ Russia ‘With All We Have’ in Bizarre Rants

A member of the United States House of Representatives from Tennessee called for the United States to punish Russia in a bizarre Thursday rant on the House floor.

“What Russia has done in Ukraine is immoral, it is illegal, it is against the word, the acts, the intensions of every godly character ever,” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) said. “God would not have approved. WWJD? What Russia has done deserves the entire condemnation of the world and everything we can do to condemn them and put them out of organized, civilized society is appropriate.”

“I think there’s not too much we can do to Russia, there’s not too much that they’ve done to Ukraine and continue to do in killing children, and disabled and orphans,” he continued. “They deserve all of the might the United States can put on them and take away from them. We need to punish them with all we have.”

Cohen, who said he is not Christian, posted another video of himself questioning the faith of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a House panel. Russia is known for its Orthodox Christianity.

“I said, I want to deliver a message to Mr. Putin,” Cohen said in the video. “I doubt he got the message. TikTok took it everywhere, but not to Putin I suspect. I told him – I said – Mr. Putin, maybe you should just have a little drink of vodka, take a bloody, put a little caviar on it, watch the Olympics, and chill. It would’ve been good if he did that. He did not do it.”

“I guess the only thing I can hope for now is something that many of my Christian friends say, and that I believe is accurate even though I’m not Christian, which is WWJD – What Would Jesus Do?” Cohen continued. “And Mr. Putin, if you’re truly a Russian Orthodox member and believe in the Russian Orthodox church, what would Jesus do? And Mr. Putin, do it.”

Cohen’s office did not return a request from The Tennessee Star seeking clarification.

Many people worry that escalating rhetoric from both major political politics could plunge the United States into a war in Europe.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded with Congress for the United States to enact a “No Fly Zone” over Ukraine, which the United States and its allies would have to enforce, and could be construed as a declaration of war against Russia.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].



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9 Thoughts to “Rep. Cohen Says U.S. Must ‘Punish’ Russia ‘With All We Have’ in Bizarre Rants”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    Why are you concerned about the deaths of children Cohen? You’re a Democrat. You celebrate the deaths of millions of babies or have you forgotten that? You’re concerned with all the orphan children as well? Is the child sex trafficking ring of your president and his son running low on clientele? Is that what you’re so upset about? You’re too much of a coward to fly over there and round them up for your cabal buddies? Shut your pie hole, your mouth is causing global warming.

  2. Tim Price

    Cohen has no idea who God is nor does he know Jesus!

    For him to say such things is pure blasphemy pure and simple.

    Most Democrats share his knowledge of the Lord and only call on God or Jesus in an attempt to fire up the confused base!

  3. william r. delzell

    While I usually agree with Cohen on most issues, I have to take issue with him on the Ukraine issue. I certainly don’t condone Russia’s action since February 24th and I certainly want to help refugees from the conflict.

    However, much of the blame for this conflict arises from allowing the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe after President Bush, Sr. and his Secretary of State Baker PROMISED Gorbachav not to allow any eastern NATO expansion other than the admission of a newly reunified Germany into NATO. Beginning with President Clinton, the U.S. broke these promises to the Russians by starting the trend of allowing other Eastern European countries next to Russian borders to join NATO. Imagine how we would feel if Mexico and Canada had chosen to join the Warsaw Pact. We’d be raising the devil. While this certainly does not excuse Russia’s decision to swallow the NATO bate by its invasion of Ukraine, it was the reckless Cold War “neo-cons” con-artists like Hillary Clinton and company that started this mess.

    I also have mixed feelings about Zelensky. Why is he requiring ALL men between the ages of 18 and 60 to stay (including fathers of little children, men without any combat skills) while allowing ALL women (including CHILDLESS women WITH essential war skills like care-giving, high-tech, etc. to leave? Also, his policy requires handicapped people of both genders to wait for all ABLE-BODIED females with or without children to board first. Since when do handicapped people have to wait for the able-bodies of either gender to board first? After the WHITE handicapped boarded, the Ukrainians finally allowed non-white foreigners to board–thus, exposing Eastern Europe’s ugly white racist legacy.

    Most of the media seemed to be more concerned about the blue-eyed blondeness of the Ukranians than about their plight while ignoring Syrians, Haitians, Yemanis, Palestinians, and Afganis as these latter groups have a darker skin complexion than Ukranians do.

    I am concerned that those well-meaning people who want to intervene militarily in Ukraine will not be the men and women who would have to serve in such a conflict.

    It is never any fun when I have to disagree with Cohen, but I am afraid I have to on this issue.

    1. Steve allen

      William, I agree. There is so much about what is going on in Ukraine that doesn’t add up.The question that must be asked is, why is the democratic party, which traditionally has been the anti war party, now in agreement with the neocons about potential war with Russia? I believe they are doing all they can to deflect from the upcoming mid-term election and the associated ass kicking they are (rightly) going to get. The other issue is the can of worms that the crack heads laptop is going to open. That investigation is going to lead right to the door of the white house and will begin in January 2023.

  4. Truthy McTruthFace

    what does Cohen know about God? he is a godless liberal.

    they spit in the face of God with their support of infanticide under the guise of ‘healthcare’

  5. 83ragtop50

    Cohen is Bizarre. I guess he is attempting to build support for his re-election. It will take more than this rant to convince me that he is anything but a freaky liberal with no sense.

  6. Randall Davidson

    send Cohen to Russia, problem solved.

    1. lonz

      Cohen must be a Soros Plant, we must get rid of him

  7. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Take away their fried Chicken!
