Rep. Green Says in Wall Street Journal Op-Ed That ‘Democrats Talk Tough’ Over Russian Election Meddling, But They Are Only After Trump

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) said “Democrats talk tough” when it comes to Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, but they are only after President Donald Trump, who has acted to counter that nation’s aggression.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no evidence President Donald Trump, his campaign or associates conspired or coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, according to a summary released Sunday by Attorney General William Barr, as The Tennessee Star reported.

Green tweeted, “Democrats talk tough, but their actions reveal they’re interested only in “getting” Donald Trump. GOP has long seen Russia as a threat, and we – including the president – have acted to counter its aggression. Read my thoughts via @WSJopinion

Green’s tweet links to an op-ed he wrote in the Wall Street Journal, which is also available here.

Green said that threats by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff to investigate Mueller’s investigation to be partisan.

Green pointed out that Russians have been indicted over alleged election interference. Trump and Republicans hit Russia with sanctions, he said.

CNN reported in April 2018 that:

The Trump administration is unleashing additional sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs with ties to President Vladimir Putin along with 12 companies they own or control.

The measures announced by the Treasury Department on Friday were also aimed at 17 senior Russian government officials and the state-owned Russian weapons trading company, Rosoboronexport, which has long-standing ties to Syria and its subsidiary, Russian Financial Corporation Bank.

Green wrote for the WSJ:

In a sense, Russia succeeded in its mission to stoke division and fear within America. Some top Democrats have played right into Moscow’s hands by pursuing endless partisan investigations. If Democrats care about thwarting Russian meddling and aggression, they will disavow their conspiracy theory that our president is Mr. Putin’s puppet, and stop wasting taxpayer money peddling disproved collusion narratives. Instead, they can support this administration’s efforts to stand tall against the consistent threat Russia poses to America’s national security.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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One Thought to “Rep. Green Says in Wall Street Journal Op-Ed That ‘Democrats Talk Tough’ Over Russian Election Meddling, But They Are Only After Trump”

  1. William R. Delzell

    One of the very few things I have to agree with Trump and his supporters on is this stupid obsession that Cold War Democrats like Hillary Clinton have with alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election. It was not the Russians who helped Trump win. Rather, it was Clinton’s hatred for Bernie Sanders and her obsessive desire to have a nuclear war against Russia by expanding NATO’s borders all the way east to Russia’s borders.

    If anything, the Mueller Report reveals more about Democrats’ ineptitude than it does about any conspiracy, real or imagined, by Trump and company. The real purpose of those individual Democrats such as Schultz, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, et al. in their anti-Russia paranoia is a feeble attempt to out-hawk and out-conservative the Republicans at the expense of their leftist base of voters. The leftist base of voters has its own reasons to be disgusted with the Clintonites and their anti-Russian obsessions.

    The Mueller Report says more about Clinton’s efforts to destroy Bernie Sanders and his base of REAL Democrats instead of the “Blue-Dog” variety than it does about any attempts by Trump to destroy Clinton. In other words, the Clinton Democrats are using their stupid anti-Russian phobias to distract everybody from the REAL causes of Clinton’s loss to Trump–her total lack of fitness to hold office! We had a situation in 2016 of two equally disgusting individuals, Clinton and Trump. Clinton’s unfitness led to the election of the misfit Trump instead of Bernie Sanders. The Democrats need to grow up and face their REAL problem: the alienation of their leftist progressive base against BOTH the two major parties!
