Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls Trump Campaign Events ‘Klan Rallies’

by Anthony Gockowski


U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar referred to President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies as “Klan rallies” during a Monday interview.

Omar, who’s frequently criticized by the president during his rallies, made the comment in an interview with the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart.

“On a personal level, I have gotten accustomed to standing up to bullies in my life, and so on a personal level, it hasn’t really impacted me besides having my children be exposed to it,” said Omar.

“And you know, for the last two months of this election cycle, waking up every single morning to text messages from my siblings asking if I was safe because he chose to speak about me at every single rally, didn’t really matter where he was, sometimes multiple times in a day, as he held his Klan rallies throughout the country,” she continued.

In an October interview, Omar said she resents anyone who does not think President Trump is a racist or a white supremacist:

You know, the president mocked his wife for wanting to go to Africa. He’s called African nations, you know, shitholes. This is not someone who has really hidden his hate for me and everything that I represent.

I resent anyone who says this president is not racist. I resent anyone who says, you know, this president is not a white supremacist because for the last four years and in his history, this president has told us who he is and we can no longer turn a blind eye to that. He’s destroying our country, and we have to make sure we defeat him.

“What we have on the Democratic side is enthusiasm for the first time to join arms, to get rid of this fascist in the White House,” she concluded.

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Anthony Gockowski is the Editor-in-Chief of





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3 Thoughts to “Rep. Ilhan Omar Calls Trump Campaign Events ‘Klan Rallies’”

  1. jj

    You ignorant twit, you’re a member of the political party of the KKK…….”Democrat”.

  2. Tim Price

    Omar hates anyone who is not Muslims. She hates Christians, Jew, Buddhists, Hindus and anyone who does not follow the Quran. She is a such hater of people. Hell awaits people like her.

  3. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Rep. Omar is one of the most bigoted people on the face of the earth. For her to call anyone racist is absurd. Her ignorance is exceeded only by her arrogance. Along with the vast number of other matters about which she is totally ignorant, she is also apparently unaware that the KKK was founded — and almost exclusively populated — by Democrats.
