Rep. Mark Green Demands Removal of Air Force Academy Teacher Who Spoke Out in Support of Critical Race Theory


Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) sent a letter on Thursday to John P. Roth, the acting secretary of the Air Force, urging the secretary to remove Professor Lynne Chandler García over her comments on Critical Race Theory (CRT).

García, a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy, recently wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post, where she highlighted her support for teaching CRT to her students.

“But we also acknowledge that the United States was founded on a duality: liberalism and equal rights on the one hand; inequality, inegalitarianism and second-class citizenship on the other,” García said in her piece.

Rep. Green argued in a statement that the comments made by the professor should disqualify her from teaching at the institution.

“Professor García’s comments on Critical Race Theory are utterly unacceptable and incompatible with the mission of our United States Military Service Academies. Disparaging the United States as a racist country should disqualify anyone from teaching at one of our country’s most prestigious institutions,” he said in a statement.

CRT has proven itself to be a dividing issue, even while the majority of Americans disapprove of its teachings.

“Critical Race Theory teaches that the only way to right past racial discrimination is with present racial discrimination. This teaching is utterly incompatible with the principles in the Declaration of Independence and the Civil Rights Movement—not to mention illegal,” Green said in his letter.

The congressman has been a constant, outspoken critic of teaching CRT — specifically, in military academies.

Earlier this year, he introduced a bill that would push back against CRT training in the U.S. Military Service Academies.

“It teaches Americans and members of the Armed Services to judge one another by the color of their skin instead of by the ‘content of their character.’ America should never go back to this kind of thinking,” he said of the need for the legislation.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].









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6 Thoughts to “Rep. Mark Green Demands Removal of Air Force Academy Teacher Who Spoke Out in Support of Critical Race Theory”

  1. Larry Hattis

    I served 20 years and at one time we required to attend a race relations class which I would classify as a form of Critical Race Theory . During these classes it seems that instead of solving any issues and any hopes of anyone coming out with a better understanding it created deeper resentment. It’s because of this past experience is why I can not support this kind of teaching in any classroom.
    That being said I can understand the Congressman objection but I do not support him in censuring anyone for expressing their opinions on this matter or any other form of opinion.
    I believe that racism can be reduced only by the parents teaching their children as they grow that racism comes in many forms and it causes harm to others as well as themselves .
    If you want to teach racism and it’s effects in the classroom or at home then you must start at the beginning of time .

  2. Edward Cuevas

    It’s obvious Garcia is nothing more than another academic parasite who will say what they think is socially “trendy” to establish cred with fellow travelers. It is comical to refer to Garcia as “professor”. “professor” of what?

  3. You’re So Nashville if ....

    …you got a high school diploma or GED in Critical Race Theory from Nashville public schools.

  4. LM

    Why just Garcia? The U.S. military “leadership” has been infiltrated with a glut of these individuals who all need to go. They are making their best attempt to divide the military from the country and to turn it on its own people.

  5. Dr Ken

    I full agree with Representative Green and believe Professor Green should be dismissed immediately. CRT is divisive with tenets steeped in emotion, not fact. Garcia’s opinion piece, specifically the lines captioned in this article on America’s founding are pure nonsense.

    1. Larry Hattis

      I suggest that you need to reread the article to determined who you’re talking about.
      I don’t agree that Professor Lynne Chandler García should be dismissed just because of expressing her opinion.
      First of all one must understand that having an opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge and sometimes, the language used in opinions can be deliberately emotional to mislead others.
      The acting secretary of the Air Force should not allow such teachings until the validity of this kind of classroom instruction is beneficial or destructive has been determined .
