Rep. Massie Introduces Bill to Abolish the Department of Education

by Just the News Staff


Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie announced on Tuesday the proposal of a bill that would officially abolish the U.S. Department of Education.

Massie made the announcement on Twitter on Tuesday morning. “I have introduced a bill to terminate the Department of Education,” he wrote. ”

“There is no Constitutional authority for this federal bureaucracy to exist,” he added.

The bill, with eight Republican co-sponsors in the House, is virtually doomed to fail, facing both a Democratic-controlled Senate and President Joe Biden’s veto power in the White House.

The DOE emerged in 1979 under the administration of Jimmy Carter, having been created by the congressional Department of Education Organization Act.

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Photo “Thomas Massie” by Congressman Thomas Massie. Background Photo “Department of Education” by Farragutful. CC BY-SA 4.0.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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2 Thoughts to “Rep. Massie Introduces Bill to Abolish the Department of Education”

  1. Joe Blow

    Finally someone in Congress with some common sense regarding education. Just think of the improvement in education AND the cost savings. But, of course, the suits in the Department of Education would just be hired into another bloated administrative group.

  2. Randy

    Who new there were actually good ideas being proposed in Washington. Well done Congressman Massie.
