Rep Steve Cohen of Memphis Wants to Formally Censure Donald Trump

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, wants to formally censure U.S. Republican President Donald Trump, according to The Memphis Commercial Appeal.

This, after federal officials this week released Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report about alleged Russian interference and alleged collusion with Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the paper reported.

“This illegal, unethical and immoral conduct by Donald Trump and misleading information by Attorney General (William) Barr needs to be sanctioned by our legislative bodies, and the way we can do that is through a censure resolution,” The Commercial Appeal quoted Cohen as saying.

“There’s too much there not to see there’s a connection between Trump and Russia that is not healthy for the United States of America.”

In his report, Mueller said he could not establish the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government — but he also said the Russian government would rather have Trump as president instead of his Democratic opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mueller also said he could not conclude whether Trump obstructed justice.

“I think it’s pretty clear that what the Mueller report has presented is damning evidence that the president did in fact obstruct justice,” Cohen reportedly said.

“The problem with impeachment is the Senate would not impeach. Most members of the Senate are invertebrates. Accordingly, they will not do anything.”

As reported, just last week Cohen made what some people might call yet another insensitive remark to score political points against Trump, and this time it involved the tragedy in France.

Specifically, Cohen said Republican U.S. President Donald Trump is doing to the Constitution what Monday’s devastating fire did to the Notre Dame Cathedral in France.

Cohen said Trump is “torching the entire structure of government.”

Cohen said this on MSNBC’s Hardball and continued to accuse Trump of obstructing justice.

“I filed articles last year. I haven’t brought them up this year, but we are getting so far along in seeing what this president has done and what he’s done to the Constitution, what he’s done to the people’s respect for our government,” Cohen reportedly said.

“What he has done to the Constitution and the rule of law is as bad as [what] that fire did to Notre Dame. He’s torching the entire structure of government and the people’s respect for it and the Congress needs to act. The facts were supposed to be in the Mueller Report. We’ll get them. We’ll find the court and we’ll go to the court, and I think we’ll be allowed to see them because the redacted testimony, the grand jury testimony can be seen and there’s precedent for it being given to Congress.”

According to The Daily Caller, the Notre Dame Cathedral has stood for 856 years.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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11 Thoughts to “Rep Steve Cohen of Memphis Wants to Formally Censure Donald Trump”

  1. Robert

    I do believe Cohen has a mental disorder. His neurons don’t seem to connect to each other.

    1. PT

      And a reading comprehension problem since he cant read Mueller’s report correctly.


    It is time for the voters of Memphis to censure the nut called Steve Cohen, he doesn’t not represent his Tennessee District nor the voters of Tennessee, He only wants to be one of the many Plantation Owners in the a Socialist Control United States. Stalin and Karl Marx would have love him! As far as his Mental Capacity please do not insult the Amoeba. Wake up Memphis we deserve better in 2020.

    1. Habu

      I apologize to all the Amoeba’s in the world for comparing them to Cohen; very demeaning. How about the mental capacity of dirt?

  3. betty

    Censure Steve Cohen

  4. Betty

    It’s time for Steve Cohen to step down. Surely there is someone in this district that can put him out by votes. I thank God for President Trump who is NOT at fault, but is righting the wrongs of the last 30-years of Democrat misleading the people. I call for impeaching Steve Cohen…too long in this office.

  5. Sim

    Steve, he’s a bigger embarrassment to the people of his district that elected him.

  6. Habu

    Steve Cohen is again demonstrating he has the mental capacity of an amoeba.

  7. 83ragtop50

    Doesn’t this guy have anything important to do?

  8. Steve Allen

    He is an embarrassment to the State of Tennessee.
