Report: Former Tennessee Congressman and Zach Wamp Helped Remove Donald Trump from White House

Former Tennessee Congressman Zach Wamp is one of many people Time Magazine cited and quoted in a new article that brags about a bipartisan coalition of people who helped defeat former U.S. President Donald Trump.

As reported last year, Wamp has previously leveled harsh criticisms toward Trump.

The Time article, published this week, describes “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

Time went on to say that this “loosely organized coalition of operatives” made “crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors.” The magazine said these people changed voting laws, fought voter suppression lawsuits, and persuaded millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. Members of this coalition also convinced social media companies “to take a harder line against disinformation,” Time reported.

Time described Wamp as someone who supported Trump. The magazine, however, quoted Wamp as saying “we can look back and say this thing went pretty well, but it was not at all clear in September and October that that was going to be the case.”

Wamp advises a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, Issue One, that, according to its website, “unites Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to fix our broken political system.” The website lists former U.S. House Majority Leader and Democrat Richard Gephardt and former Republican Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge as two of several people who serve on Issue One’s board.

Ridge told The Philadelphia Inquirer last year that he would go against his party and vote for Democrat Joe Biden in the November 2020 presidential elections.

According to Time, Wamp worked through Issue One “to rally Republicans.”

The magazine also said that Wamp “helped coordinate a bipartisan election protection council.” Time, on first reference, did not identify the name of the council. Later in the article, Time refers to the National Council on Election Integrity. Issue One sponsors the nonpartisan campaign Count Every Vote, and members of that group then formed the council, according to the group’s website.

Wamp serves on the council alongside former DNC Chair Donna Brazile, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, former U.S. senate majority leaders Tom Daschle and Bill Frist, former Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, and former RNC Chair Michael Steele. The council has 35 additional members, all of whom are listed on the council’s website.

“We thought we should bring some bipartisan element of unity around what constitutes a free and fair election,” Time quoted Wamp as saying.

Wamp went on to say that “we had rabid Trump supporters who agreed to serve on the council based on the idea that this is honest.”

“Whichever way it cuts, we’re going to stick together,” Wamp told Time.

Issue One’s website lists Zach Wamp’s son, Weston, as a consultant and senior political strategist for the nonprofit.

As The Tennessee Star reported last August, Wamp posted — and deleted — a tweet accusing then-U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty of using young female volunteers “in short shorts” to attract votes. Wamp had endorsed Manny Sethi instead of Hagerty in last year’s Republican primary.

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), upon reading Wamp’s tweet, reprimanded Wamp and suggested he doesn’t respect women. Hagerty, now a U.S. senator, won the primary and went on to win the general election.

In a 2015 tweet, Wamp called Trump “a sore loser,” a “hypocrite,” and said Trump “should never be president of our country.”

A 2016 Chattanoogan article quoted Wamp, then reportedly the Tennessee chairman for Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign, as calling Trump a “wild man” whom he does not trust.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].


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28 Thoughts to “Report: Former Tennessee Congressman and Zach Wamp Helped Remove Donald Trump from White House”

  1. lb

    There are WAY too many RINO/gopE in TN–it is astonishing. If you vote R and expect a Conservative because of the R, think again and do your homework. A LOT of “conservatives” in TN are actually flaming closet RINOs. They will reveal themselves as soon as they are elected

  2. Le Roy Miller

    He and all the others committed treason. Wait for it. It is coming. First they are saving the children. Then the rest is exposed to the light.

  3. Manx

    I’m beyond angry at the ones responsible. if I saw this man burning to death on the side of the road. I might look for marshmellows

    1. a. martin

      I cannot believe this. and just like that he admits to the stesl, the cheating, the illegal president

    2. Kathy Mills


      1. William Finch

        10-4 that!!!

  4. Dee

    Wamp. Swamp. What’s the dif?

  5. Paula J

    Never mind that Trump delivered on things Republicans have said they wanted for many Administrations that didn’t deliver. Never-Trumpers have destroyed the American dream for so many people. There is no way I could accept the policies of Democrats with happiness. You have to really be a bitter person to cut off your own nose to spite your face.

  6. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    Maybe he will take the experimental vaccine? It’s on the house Zach.

    1. Kathy Mills


  7. Trevor

    Wamp is a RINO! Tennessee voters need to be really selective who we send to Washington or we wind up with people like Wamp in congress. Other examples of RINOs Senator Bob Corker, Alexander, Hagerty and Blackburn! I have had enough of the Tennessee RINOs! We need more conservatives like Bill Lee! I miss Trump!

    1. Paula J

      Blackburn is no RINO.

      1. Tennessee Budd

        No, she’s a Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

      2. Kathy Mills


  8. jamesn

    just add a S in front of his name and you have the rest of the story

  9. robert c joyner

    sore looserman for sure.

  10. Ms Independent

    WAMP is really a WIMP!

  11. Kevin

    Who knew that this guys middle name started with an “S”… Zach S WAMP. Now it’s time to identify all of his fellow mud dwellers.

    The first step in “fixing” a problem is to identify it and all of it’s contributing factors. Thank you Time Magazine. The way that 80+ million citizens “feel” is not going away soon. People are fed-up with overreaching governments!

    1. a.martin

      yes Sir, you are not from That Truth. I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that it’s admitted. I can’t even say anymore than that right now!

  12. Karen Bracken

    There are just no words to describe this dirt bag. Who is elected is the job of the voter and no one else. Those that think they have the right to determine the winner of an election over the will of the people are nothing more than communist dictators. People like Wamp think they know better than the voters and they need to save us from ourselves. That is the attitude of elites who use their power, money and influence to overrule the will of the people and satisfy their own personal agenda. It will be interesting to see if Wamp gets a job in the new administration or perhaps Governor Lee will have a job for him.

  13. RINO Zack is a Quisling! He helped hurrr America and possibly destroy it!

  14. Julie

    Translation: Trump was given a chance and couldn’t be bribed or manipulated so the RINOs had to turn on him. Election integrity to these people mean determining how they can prevent unapproved outsiders from getting into Washington.
